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"Fenrir Greyback is, perhaps, the most savage werewolf alive today. He regards it as his mission in life to bite and to conta­minate as many people as possible; he wants to create enough werewolves to overcome the wizards. Voldemort has promised him prey in return for his services. Greyback specialises in children... Bite them young, he says, and raise them away from their parents, raise them to hate normal wizards."
— Greyback's savagery, bloodlust, and goals[src]

Fenrir Greyback (fl. 19451998) was a werewolf bounty hunter infamous for his general savagery and preference for attacking children. He was a leader in his community and strived to infect as many people as possible with lycanthropy, hoping to build an army strong enough to eventually take over the wizarding community.[2] It was he who infected Remus Lupin with lycanthropy when Remus's father Lyall insulted werewolves by commenting "they deserve nothing less than death".[1]

During the Second Wizarding War, Greyback and the pack of werewolves he led allied themselves with Lord Voldemort, though they did still face prejudice with him and his Death Eaters for being werewolves and they were not allowed to have the Dark Mark. Greyback fought in the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, during which he expressed an eagerness to bite the younger students of Hogwarts[3] and left Bill Weasley badly scarred,[6] and later that year led a gang of Snatchers when Voldemort was in control of the Ministry of Magic.[7]

Greyback fought in the Battle of Hogwarts, where he at one point attacked and fatally injured Lavender Brown, but was incapacitated by Hermione Granger and took a crystal ball to the head by Professor Trelawney.[7] During the second part of the battle, where both sides faced-off in the Great Hall, he was defeated by Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom.[8]

It is likely that after the final battle of the Second Wizarding War Greyback was either killed or imprisoned in Azkaban for life as punishment for the crimes he committed against wizardkind.

Quick Answers

What was Fenrir Greyback's main goal in the Harry Potter series? toggle section
Fenrir Greyback's main goal was to infect as many people as possible with lycanthropy, particularly children. He believed that by creating more werewolves, he could overcome the wizards. He was promised prey in return for his services to Voldemort, which further fueled his mission.
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Why did Fenrir Greyback choose to infect Remus Lupin with lycanthropy? toggle section
Fenrir Greyback, a notorious werewolf, chose to infect Remus Lupin with lycanthropy as an act of revenge. Lupin's father had publicly stated that werewolves deserved 'nothing but death' during a hearing. This statement infuriated Greyback, leading him to target Lupin as a child and infect him with lycanthropy. Greyback's actions were part of his broader strategy to increase the werewolf population with the ultimate goal of overpowering the wizarding community.
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Who played the role of Fenrir Greyback in the Harry Potter movies? toggle section
The role of Fenrir Greyback in the Harry Potter movies was played by the late British actor, boxer, and mixed martial artist, Dave Legeno.
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Who eventually killed Fenrir Greyback in the Harry Potter series? toggle section
Fenrir Greyback was defeated by Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom during the Battle of Hogwarts. However, it's unclear whether this defeat resulted in his death or if he survived and was sent to Azkaban for his crimes.
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Early life[]

At some point in his early life, Fenrir was bitten by a werewolf and infected with lycanthropy. He apparently made it his mission to infect as many people as possible in order to create enough werewolves to dominate the wizarding world. Greyback would often purposefully place himself in close proximity with his victims before a full moon to ensure he would attack them after his transformation.[2]

First Wizarding War[]

"Lyall, you just stick to Welsh Boggarts, that's what you're good at."
— Members of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures questioning commitee foolishly mocking Lyall Lupin after he voices his suspicion that Greyback is a werewolf[src]
Greyback dodging harry's attack

Greyback acting as a weapon for Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters

By the mid-1960s, the amount of Dark magical activity across the country was growing steadily. While few knew what was behind it all, this was actually a precursor to Lord Voldemort's first rise to power. The Death Eaters were recruiting Dark creatures to help them overthrow the Ministry of Magic,[1] and among them was Fenrir Greyback, who did not join the Death Eaters because he believed in Voldemort's cause, but because allying himself with them would give him greater access to potential victims.[2]

Although considered to be a Death Eater by the enemies of the Dark Lord, Greyback was not fully accepted as a Death Eater and was never given the Dark Mark on his forearm.[4] Those belonging to Voldemort's innermost circle of followers tended to not want anything to do with him as well, as Voldemort was prejudiced against his lycanthropy; despite Greyback's services to their cause. Greyback and the other werewolves on his side were used as a weapon by Voldemort, who would often use the notorious werewolves to intimidate people into doing his bidding, threatening to send Greyback after their children.[2]

It was around 1965, after one such attack that resulted in the deaths of two Muggle children, that Greyback was brought in for questioning before the Ministry of Magic. Due to the inadequacy and ill-maintenance of the Werewolf Registry, the Ministry did not know Greyback to be a werewolf, and he pretended to be a Muggle tramp who was amazed at finding himself in a room full of wizards and horrified at the talk about the dead children.[1]


Greyback doing Voldemort's dirty work in exchange for victims

His filthy clothing and lack of wand managed to convince most of the questioning committee he was telling the truth, although Lyall Lupin, an authority on Non-Human Spiritous Apparitions that was among them, recognised certain telltale signs in Greyback's appearance that made him suggest that Greyback was indeed a werewolf and should be kept in detention until the next full moon, which was, coincidentally, one day away. The ignorant and foolish committee members thought it unnecessary, and Greyback started taunting Lupin, who grew angry and described werewolves as 'soulless, evil, deserving of nothing but death'.[1]

Lupin was ordered out of the room, the head of the committee apologised to Greyback, and the werewolf was released. Before the wizard who was escorting him out of the inquiry could cast a Memory Charm on the 'Muggle tramp' so that he would forget having been at the Ministry, Greyback overpowered him and fled with three other werewolf accomplices. As soon as he escaped, he started planning his revenge on the wizard who said he deserved nothing but death.[1]

Shortly before Remus Lupin, Lyall Lupin's son, turned five, he was attacked by Greyback. As the little boy slept peacefully in his bed, Greyback forced open his window and bit him. Lyall reached the bedroom in time to save his son and to drive the werewolf out of the house using a number of powerful curses. The deed, however, was done, and Remus Lupin became a full-fledged werewolf from that point on.[1]

As the wizarding war waged on and grew ever more fierce, so did Greyback, who eventually became so known for his savage villainy that the Ministry of Magic was able to find out he was actually a werewolf and was evil; in retaliation, they produced a wanted poster of him.

At some point prior to 1984, he attacked Chiara Lobosca, attempting to forcibly recruit her. Her parents managed to drive him away from their daughter but he did succeed in infecting her.[9]

After Voldemort was presumed dead in 1981 after his confrontation with the Potters at Godric's Hollow, Greyback was one of the Dark Lord's numerous followers who believed him to have been killed and therefore did not make any attempt to find him.[5]

Between the wars[]

With the Dark Lord gone, and with him, the false promises of granting werewolves a place of high honour and privilege in the regime he intended to establish following his victory in the war, the notorious lycanthrope continued to attack witches and wizards on his own initiative, especially children. During this time, he had many run-ins with the Werewolf Capture Unit from the Ministry's Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, and while they would manage to capture him on several occasions, they could never hold him for very long before he escaped and was at large once again. One of the werewolf hunters from the Ministry he would frequently be confronted by was a wizard named Cecil Lee.[10]


Greyback and his pack attack Hogwarts School

On 31 October 1984, Greyback and his army attacked Hogwarts. Chiara Lobosca, a student whom Greyback had previously infected with Lycanthropy, spotted Greyback and two werewolves emerging from the Forbidden Forest. She tried to attack them (while in human form), but was easily defeated.[10]

Shortly afterwards, Greyback and his two werewolf companions encountered Jacob's sibling, who defiantly stood up to them and briefly held off one of the two werewolves with their spells.[10]

Before Greyback could better coordinate the assault on and hence overwhelm the young pupil, however, he caught the scent of Albus Dumbledore and made a hasty retreat, just before Dumbledore arrived to capture him. The headmaster briefly examined the injured student on the ground and instructed the other one to return to their dormitory while he attended to Chiara, explaining that he would contact the Ministry of Magic and ask them to send an expert from the Werewolf Capture Unit to help to stop Greyback.[10]

Homorphus Charm

Cecil tiring to use the Homorphus Charm on Greyback's werewolf companions

The next full moon, Greyback and his army attacked Hogwarts again. This time, they encountered Jacob's sibling and Cecil Lee, whom the Ministry had sent on Dumbledore's behest. During the confrontation, Cecil tried to use the Homorphus Charm on Greyback's werewolf companions, but, as he was out of range, it failed. While Cecil was surrounded by the two other werewolves, Greyback transformed. Chiara, in werewolf form, arrived and attacked Greyback in an attempt to protect Jacob's sibling, but the larger and much stronger werewolf easily defeated her again and knocked her unconscious.

After this, Jacob's sibling successfully held him at bay by some swift spell-casting. Having fended off the two werewolves attacking him, who had retreated to Greyback's side, Cecil swiftly stepped forward and conjured ropes from the end of his wand to restrain the pack leader. Having captured the three werewolves, Cecil agreed not to capture Chiara due to her heroic actions.[10]

Not long afterwards, Greyback had already managed to escape from the Werewolf Capture Unit, though Mr Lee was confident that enough members of his pack had been rounded up to force him to keep his head low for a while.[10]

Second Wizarding War[]

"Tell anyone, and there will be retribution. You know Fenrir Greyback? He's a family friend. He'll be dropping in from time to time to make sure you're giving the problem your full attention."
— Draco Malfoy threatening Mr Borgin[src]
Fenrir greyback

Greyback and Death Eaters kidnapping Ollivander

With Voldemort's return in 1995,[11] he began to gather his old forces to renew his war on the wizarding world. Greyback returned to Voldemort's side.[2] In July of 1996, shortly after the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Greyback and several Death Eaters raided Diagon Alley, kidnapping the wandmaker Garrick Ollivander. He was also among a group of Death Eaters that destroyed the Millennium Bridge, in London.[12]

Fenrir Greyback wanted poster

Fenrir Greyback featured on a 'WANTED' poster

Greyback continued in his role as Voldemort's enforcer and terror weapon. When Voldemort charged Draco Malfoy with the murder of Albus Dumbledore, Malfoy invoked Greyback's name as a threat to ensure Mr Borgin's co-operation with the scheme to transport Death Eaters inside the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry via the use of a paired set of Vanishing Cabinets.[13]

Later, in April of 1997, Greyback attacked the five-year-old son of Mrs Montgomery when she refused to co-operate with the Death Eaters. The boy did not become a werewolf, but he later died from his injuries.[14] This attack had a negative effect on the Montgomery family, as seen by the Montgomery sisters' unhappy appearance after the death of their little brother.[14] At some point Greyback started to kill and eat his victims while in human form.[3] This was a drastic increase in his savagery, as most werewolves did not acquire a taste for human flesh outside of their wolf form; he was likely simply doing it for fun.

Battle of the Astronomy Tower[]

Albus Dumbledore: "Is it you, Fenrir?"
Fenrir Greyback: "Yes. Pleased to see me, Albus?"
Albus Dumbledore: "No, I cannot say that I am... Am I to take it that you are attacking even without the full moon now? This is most unusual... You have developed a taste for human flesh that cannot be satisfied once a month?"
Albus Dumbledore about Greyback's cannibalistic tendencies[src]
Dark Mark over Hogwarts 2

Greyback was present during the Battle of the Astronomy Tower

Greyback, along with several Death Eaters, invaded Hogwarts on 30 June 1997, cornering Albus Dumbledore atop the Astronomy Tower, much to Draco Malfoy's shock and Dumbledore's disgust. He mockingly asked Dumbledore if he was pleased to see him, to which Dumbledore replied that he was obviously not. Dumbledore was also rather disgusted to discover that Greyback engaged in cannibalism and attacked people while in his human form. He was among those who urged Draco Malfoy to kill the Headmaster and attempted to take over the job himself, before Severus Snape arrived and did the deed for him.[3]

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Greyback witnessing Severus Snape kill Dumbledore

During the subsequent battle against members of the Order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore's Army, Greyback assaulted Bill Weasley, scarring his face. Fortunately for Bill, Greyback was not in his wolf form when he attacked, therefore he would not be a true werewolf, but would only acquire some 'wolfish' behaviour such as a fondness for raw steaks. Greyback also tried to bite Harry Potter during the battle, but Harry retaliated with a Full Body-Bind Curse, temporarily paralysing him.[15]

Greyback was most likely captured following the battle along with Corban Yaxley and the other incapacitated Death Eaters. He was presumably sent to Azkaban, though he would escape about a month later.

As a Snatcher[]

"A Weasley? So you're related to blood traitors even if you're not a Mudblood. And lastly, your pretty little friend... I'm not going to bite just yet. We'll see if she's a bit quicker at remembering her name than Barny. Who are you, girly?"
— Greyback interrogating Ron and Hermione[src]

Months later, after the fall of the British Ministry of Magic, Greyback became a primary leader in the Snatchers organisation, and led a group of them around the countryside scouring for fugitive Muggle-borns, blood traitors, and truants who had escaped persecution. It was Greyback's group that tracked down a fugitive group comprised of Dirk Cresswell, Ted Tonks, Dean Thomas, and goblins Griphook and Gornuk. Dean and Griphook were captured, while Dirk, Ted, and Gornuk were murdered while resisting capture.[16]

Greyback harry captured

Greyback holding Harry Potter hostage

In March of 1998, Greyback and his gang captured Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley after they triggered the Taboo on Voldemort's name. After working through and nearly falling for the lies the three teens gave, Greyback and his gang brought them to Malfoy Manor, where Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco Malfoy — as well as Bellatrix Lestrange — were residing. Greyback hoped to receive the two hundred thousand Galleon reward for capturing Potter (along with what he thought was the phoenix wand), and was also eager to bite them, Hermione in particular.[4]

Fenrir neck

Greyback being attacked by Bellatrix Lestrange

However, Bellatrix spotted Godric Gryffindor's Sword among the captives' possessions and became frantic, as she had believed it to be in her vault in Gringotts. When the Snatchers protested her taking it, she single-handedly defeated all four of them, much to Greyback's irritation. The Snatchers and Death Eaters were ultimately thwarted with the help of Dobby, the Malfoys' old house-elf, and Harry and the other captives all escaped. Dobby was unfortunately killed in the process by Bellatrix Lestrange's dagger.[4] He was presumably punished by Voldemort along with Bellatrix and the Malfoys for Harry's escape.

Battle of Hogwarts[]

"Two bodies fell from the balcony overhead. As they reached the ground a grey blur that Harry took for an animal sped four-legged across the hall to sink its teeth into one of the fallen. 'NO!' shrieked Hermione, and with a deafening blast from her wand, Fenrir Greyback was thrown backward from the feebly struggling body of Lavender Brown. He hit the marble bannisters and struggled to return to his feet. Then, with a bright white flash and a crack, a crystal ball fell on top of his head, and he crumpled to the ground and did not move."
— Greyback savages Lavender Brown during the final battle[src]
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Greyback savaging and killing Lavender Brown during the first stage of the Battle of Hogwarts

Fenrir Greyback was present at the Battle of Hogwarts, where he was repelled by Hermione Granger while attacking and fatally wounding Lavender Brown. He hit the marble staircase bannister and attempted to return to his feet, but before he could, he was struck on the head by a crystal ball from Sybill Trelawney. Later, he was present when Voldemort attempted to kill Harry Potter in the Forbidden Forest. In the continuation of the battle, he was 'brought down' by Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom in the Great Hall.


It is unclear whether Greyback survived his defeat during the Battle of Hogwarts. If he did, he was most likely sent to Azkaban for his association with the Death Eaters and for his crimes during the Second Wizarding War, under Kingsley Shacklebolt's de-corrupted Ministry of Magic.

By at least the 2010s, during the Calamity, a Calamity Investigator working for the Statute of Secrecy Task Force undertook an intensive study of Greyback's life and crimes, finding him to have been a menace.[17]

Physical description[]

Fenrir was a large, often vicious-looking man with matted grey hair and whiskers. He had pointed teeth and long yellowish nails,[3] adding to his bestial appearance (he was often described as looking wolflike even in human form).[4] When he wore Death Eater robes, they were noted to look "uncomfortably tight" on him.[3] He did not have the Dark Mark branded onto his arm, despite his very close association with the Death Eaters, as he was a werewolf.[4]

Personality and traits[]

"Reckon she'll let me have a bit of the girl when she's finished with her? I'd say I'll get a bite or two, wouldn't you, ginger?"
— Greyback to Ron Weasley regarding Hermione Granger[src]

Fenrir, having forsaken his humanity long ago, was driven by his animal hedonism. He enjoyed attacking people, particularly children, and took sadistic pleasure in his brutality. At some point he became a cannibal, likely just for the fun of it, greatly enhancing his notoriety.[3] During his capture of Hermione Granger, his threats to her had both cannibalistic and sexual overtones, implying he engaged in paedophilia as well because Hermione was much younger than he was;[4] Greyback himself admitted to Dumbledore that he "liked kids".[3]

Greyback was also greedy, as he kept arguing with the Malfoy family about who would claim the bounties and glory of catching Harry Potter.[4] Despite his savagery, he did display fear towards those more powerful than him, as shown when he backed away cowed when Snape arrived to kill Dumbledore,[3] or when he was too wary to approach Bellatrix after she brought him to his knees violently. He was well aware of the lack of respect he received from the Death Eaters, and that the Ministry would have claimed all the glory had they brought Harry Potter to them instead of directly to Voldemort.[7]

Savage FenrirGreyback PM

Greyback at the height of his brutality and savagery

Unlike most werewolves, Greyback took both pleasure in and advantage of his abilities and savagery when transformed, and stationed himself near his targets. He enjoyed attacking them and specialised in biting children, hoping to infect them and raise them to hate humanity, though sometimes killing them when going overboard. Despite his ideology of thinking werewolves deserve blood, and his attempt to recruit more werewolves for his cause, Greyback would ultimately seem to be just a primal savage who enjoyed killing.

Greyback's savagery was what differed him from most other werewolves: while most of them bit and infected unintentionally during only their transformed state, Greyback liked to bite people even in human form, as stated, having wolflike tendencies even in human form. Greyback was feared more than most werewolves due to his brutality and seemed to enjoy this notoriety, even Dumbledore was shocked that Draco Malfoy allowed Greyback to enter Hogwarts, and was slightly disgusted after learning about Greyback's cannibalism;[3] Greyback joked, asking Dumbledore if he was pleased to see him, seeming to take pleasure in his disgust.

Greyback kills Lavender Brown

Greyback savaging seventeen-year-old Lavender Brown

Being a werewolf and therefore not subscribing to the Death Eaters' views on racial superiority, Greyback was not branded with the Dark Mark, despite being invited into the ranks of the Death Eaters and permitted to wear their robes.[7] This may have been because Lord Voldemort was prejudiced against werewolves as well as Muggles and Muggle-borns. Therefore he would not allow Greyback to become an actual Death Eater, yet he was too valuable of an accomplice not to have in his ranks. Greyback showed clear resentment at the lack of respect he received but sided with the Death Eaters because of the amount of victims he would have access to.

Most Death Eaters seemed to regard him with disgust, with Yaxley throwing a spell at him in the Astronomy Tower for attacking without permission[3] and Bellatrix Lestrange forcing him to his knees before her in Malfoy Manor.[4] The revulsion that the other Death Eaters felt towards Greyback was likely because of his lycanthropy as well as his implied paedophilia. Despite his resentment and mistreatment, he usually only mildly protested about the Death Eater's behaviour towards him, possibly out of fear for their power and what they would do to him if he stopped co-operating with them.[4] Indeed, it is very likely that if Voldemort had won the Second Wizarding War, he would have tossed Fenrir aside once he was no longer useful, because Voldemort detested werewolves.[18]

Fenrir also proved he had a low tolerance for insults and held grudges, as he took vengeance on Lyall Lupin for an offensive remark by attacking his son.[1] Despite his lack of loyalty for the Dark Lord, according to Nymphadora Tonks, Greyback appeared to be prepared to fight to the death during the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, resulting in aggressiveness that overwhelmed the Order of the Phoenix.[6]

Magical abilities and skills[]

  • Improvisation: Greyback was skilled in improvisational acting, as he was able to mimic astonishment (over seeing wizards) and shock (when he was told about the murder of the Muggle children) with such a level of success that he managed to fool almost an entire courtroom of experienced Magical Law Enforcement Officers that he was a Muggle during a hearing at the Ministry of Magic.[1]
  • Duelling: Greyback was skilful in martial magic, and was a very capable duellist. As a Snatcher, he was tasked with the hunting, capturing and even murdering of Muggle-borns which he did combatively. He duelled against Harry Potter and Ron Weasley at the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor by firing offensive spells at them.[4] It took the combined efforts of Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom to defeat him during the Battle of Hogwarts, showing his skill as a duellist.[8] Greyback also captured and killed many witches and wizards during his time as a Snatcher.[19] Despite this, he was no match for Voldemort's inner circle Death Eaters as he was brought to his knees by Bellatrix Lestrange[7] when he and the other Snatchers angered her, and he was sent flying by a spell cast by Corban Yaxley.[3] In neither case did he fight back despite being clearly enraged.
  • Dark Arts: Greyback was skilled with Dark Magic, being able to cast the Killing Curse and Imperius Curse successfully and handle cursed objects.[20]
  • Nonverbal magic: Greyback was able to cast offensive spells non-verbally, a magical ability which is known to be highly difficult, showing he was a rather accomplished and skilled wizard.[19]
  • Apparition: Greyback was able to apparate to Malfoy Manor after capturing Harry and his friends along with his group of Snatchers. He notably was able to apparate while holding Harry via side-along Apparition.[4]
  • Superhuman strength: Greyback was incredibly strong and resilient. This was proved during the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor when Harry gained control of three wands from Draco Malfoy and cast a Stunning Spell on Greyback with them; though it was sufficient to lift him up the ceiling and smash him to the ground he still managed a full recovery afterwards.[4]
  • Physical combat: In order to fulfil his goal of spreading lycanthropy, Greyback was known to have fought with his hands and teeth, even in his human form. He was known to have been very agile, having been described running (on all fours) as "a grey blur."[4]


Fenrir Greyback wand

Greyback's wand


Lord Voldemort[]

Lord Voldemort

Lord Voldemort, whom he allied himself with

Greyback joined forces with Lord Voldemort in order to have a greater access to victims. However, he also joined due to being promised a better life than being oppressed by the Ministry of Magic. Although Voldemort would use Greyback as a weapon against society, threatening to send him to attack the children of those who refuse to co-operate with the Death Eaters, he never had any care for the werewolf, as to say the least that Voldemort never desired human companionship,[2] but he was even more dismissive of Greyback than he would be to a normal person because of his prejudice against lycanthropy and general disgust of Greyback. It was for these reasons that Voldemort never consider Greyback a true Death Eater, thus never branding him the Dark Mark despite allowing him to wear the robes. Fenrir was aware of this lack of respect he received from the Dark Lord, and rather resented it despite not truly caring for the Death Eaters' goal of blood purity supremacy.[4]

For his lack of loyalty to the Dark Lord, Greyback never went to seek him out after his first defeat, instead returning to his own mission of infecting as many as he could, and then returning when Voldemort came back to full strength, once again for the promise of more victims.[2][10] It is likely that Voldemort ruthlessly punished Greyback, along with Bellatrix Lestrange and the Malfoys, for failing to stop Harry and his friends from escaping following the Skirmish at the Malfoy Manor.

Death Eaters[]

Death Eaters WBST

Death Eaters, whom he allied himself with, despite not being a member of their organisation

Although Greyback was permitted to wear the robes of the Death Eaters, he was not given the highest honour of being branded by the Dark Mark. None of the true Death Eaters accepted him as one of them either, due to their bigotry against werewolves in general, and even they likely had some level of disgust for Fenrir's savage and perverse personality. Corban Yaxley and Bellatrix Lestrange were not above attacking him when he acted out of order, to which he complained little as he feared them almost as much as he did Voldemort.[4] He was also shown to regard Severus Snape with fear and respect when the latter arrived to kill Albus Dumbledore,[3] and likely Snape disliked him greatly as well.

Greyback knew he was not respected by Voldemort and his inner circle, and despite his alliance with them being self-serving, he still felt resentful.[3][4] While Draco Malfoy did use Greyback's name (and regarded him as a "family friend") to threaten Borgin into co-operation, he was shocked that the werewolf would actually show up, uninvited, as part of the platoon of Death Eaters raiding Hogwarts.[3]

Albus Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix[]

Albus Dumbledore POA promo

Albus Dumbledore, leader of the Order of the Phoenix

Like Lord Voldemort, Greyback was scared of Albus Dumbledore. When he attacked Hogwarts during the 1984–1985 school year, he actively avoided facing Dumbledore in open combat, preferring instead to attack and turn isolated students on the school grounds. This was presumably not his first encounter with Dumbledore, as he was able to recognise Dumbledore's scent from some distance away.[10]

Being an ally with the Death Eaters made Fenrir an enemy of the Order of the Phoenix. Albus Dumbledore was rather disgusted that Greyback descended into cannibalism, and would attack humans even without transforming. Remus Lupin, who was bitten by Greyback during childhood, initially felt pity for him, believing that during the attack Greyback was simply being unable to control his tendency as a werewolf, before learning that Fenrir actually planned his attack. Remus then considered his attacker as the most savage werewolf alive.[2]

Lyall Lupin[]


Lyall Lupin, his enemy

When Fenrir was arrested over a werewolf attack that resulted in the deaths of two Muggle children, he was able to trick almost the entire courtroom of officials that he was a muggle tramp unrelated to the attack. Lyall Lupin, however, saw the telltale signs of lycanthrope, which Greyback was likely annoyed with; however, Lupin was unable to convince the other officials, causing Greyback to subtly taunt him, finding the situation to be funny. This led Lupin to become aggravated and he insultingly stated that werewolves were 'soulless, evil, deserving of nothing but death'.[1]

Greyback was highly offended and after escaping the Ministry's attempt to Obliviate him, he planned his revenge against the man. Fenrir achieved his vengeance by attacking Lyall's son, Remus, which cursed the boy into a life as a werewolf before Lyall managed to repel him with a flurry of curses. This attack did lead Lyall's bigoted views on werewolves to change, as he continued to love his son regardless.[1]


  • Fenrir is one of many permutations of Fenrisulfr, the great wolf and son of the god Loki from Norse mythology.
  • Greyback is likely a reference to his greying hair and grey fur in werewolf form that indicates his relation to the Greyback wolf. In keeping with his first name, Greyback is also the name of a monster from Norse mythology, one of the numerous serpents who gnaw at the roots of Yggdrasil alongside the dragon Níðhöggr.

Behind the scenes[]

Fenrir Greyback LEGO

Fenrir Greyback as a LEGO minifigure

Draco, Narcissa & Greyback in Diagon Alley LEGOY2

Fenrir Greyback with Narcissa and Draco Malfoy outside Borgin and Burkes, in LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7

Fenrir Greyback Werewolf Form Hogwarts Mystery

Fenrir Greyback in his werewolf form in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

  • Greyback was portrayed by the late Dave Legeno in the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Only a wanted poster of Greyback in the film explains what sort of creature Greyback is, and the scene in which he mauls Bill Weasley is omitted from the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Bill tells Harry that he was attacked by Fenrir Greyback sometime before the Battle of the Seven Potters takes place.
  • The role was offered to Kevin McKidd, but he was forced to turn it down, due to a contractual obligation to another project.[21]
  • Hisao Egawa voiced Greyback in the Japanese dubs.
  • In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Scabior takes the role as leader of the Snatchers, while Greyback is seen taking orders from him.
  • In contrast to his very vicious behaviour in the books, Greyback has very little if anything to do in the films. In all three films in which he appears, he speaks twice, once in the Astronomy Tower scene in Half-Blood Prince saying Draco Malfoy has not got the stomach to kill Dumbledore, and in Deathly Hallows: Part 1 when Harry says his name is Vernon Dudley, and another snatcher says there's no 'Vernon Dudley' on their list, to which Greyback says "Hear that, ugly? The list says you're lying. How come you don't want us to know who you are? Hm?".
  • In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Hermione's Stunning Spell sends Greyback off the Viaduct Courtyard to the ravine below and to his death after he was discovered mauling Lavender Brown. As this contradicts the events of the novel, it cannot be considered canon to the books (in which she does blast him away from Lavender but clearly not off a cliff, as he turns up again in the final part of the battle).
  • Dave Legeno had many animal hairs, such as goat, affixed to him when he portrayed Greyback.
  • He was possibly a pure-blood or half-blood, as he appeared to be prejudiced against Muggle-borns and called them 'Mudbloods' (not to mention it is highly unlikely that the already unpopular Greyback would have been accepted into the Death Eaters at all if he'd been a Muggle-Born as well as a werewolf).
  • Greyback is likely based on French loup-garou tales coming from the 15th to 17th centuries. His language and appearance bear close connections to Jean Grenier. The latter was a young boy accused of being a werewolf.
  • In the Half-Blood Prince video game, during his attack on the Burrow, Fenrir takes Ginny hostage. When Harry arrives to save her he is seen standing over her. After the duel he is forced to retreat and sets the Burrow on fire with Bellatrix.
  • While it's unknown what happens to Fenrir after the Battle at Hogwarts, there is a slight chance that he managed to escape back to his pack (although unlikely, as Ron and Neville are described as 'bringing him down' shortly before the death of Voldemort, most likely either killing or Stunning him).
  • Although werewolves are not truly affected by silver as they are in Muggle legends, Fenrir was defeated by Ron and Neville during the Battle of Hogwarts, the latter of which may have been wielding a certain sword with a silver blade. However, the sword has Basilisk venom absorbed into its blade, so it is possible that if the sword had wounded or killed Greyback, it may have been because of the venom, not that the sword's blade is silver.
  • In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Greyback has long brushed hair but in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, he has dreadlocks.
  • In LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7, when Greyback attacks Lavender, he bites her leg off. Then, Hermione throws a bone to him. When Greyback catches it in the air, Hermione defeats him with the Reductor Curse, knocking him out. It is completely unknown what happened with him after this.
  • Ironically, despite being one of the most notorious werewolves to ever live, he never actually appeared in werewolf form in any of the books, films, or video games until Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. However, his transformed werewolf form was previously depicted on Pottermore as an illustration.
  • In Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery when the achievement Howling Halloween was released, Fenrir Greyback was mistakenly spelled as Fenrir Greenback.
  • In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Greyback seems to have more of a role as a soldier than a simple enforcer among the Death Eaters, as Voldemort sent him and at two other Death Eaters to kidnap Garrick Ollivander and raid his wand shop.
  • He was able to retain certain wolf traits during the entire month, as evidenced by his appearance. The Battle of Hogwarts took place on 2 May 1998, during a waxing crescent moon. However, he was still able to participate as a lycanthrope.


  • Czech: Fenrir Šedohřbet (Fenrir Greyback)
  • Danish: Fenris Gråryg (Fenris Greyback)
  • Dutch: Fenrir Vaalhaar (Fenrir Palehair)
  • Finnish: Fenrir Harmaaselkä (Fenrir Greyback)
  • Icelandic: Fenrir Grábakur (Fenrir Greyback)
  • Lithuanian: Fenryras Pilkanugaris (sometimes Greibekas is used) (Fenrir Greyback)
  • Montenegrin: Fenrir Sivi (Fenrir Grey)
  • Norwegian: Fenris Vargar (Fenris Weregard)
  • Portuguese (Brazil): Fenrir Lobo Greyback (Fenrir Wolf Greyback)
  • Russian: Фенрир Сивый (Fenrir Sivyy) (sometimes Грейбек [Greyback] is used) (Fenrir Ashgrey)
  • Serbian: Фенрир Сури (Fenrir Suri) (Fenrir Grey)
  • Swedish: Fenrir Grårygg (Fenrir Greyback)

The following languages are the same as the original:

  • Croatian
  • French
  • German


The Harry Potter Wiki has 111 images related to Fenrir Greyback.

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Remus Lupin" at Wizarding World
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 16 (A Very Frosty Christmas)
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 27 (The Lightning-Struck Tower)
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 23 (Malfoy Manor)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 2 (Spinner's End)
  6. 6.0 6.1 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 29 (The Phoenix Lament)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 32 (The Elder Wand)
  8. 8.0 8.1 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 36 (The Flaw in the Plan)
  9. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 2, "Packmates" Achievement
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 1, Side Quest "Hallowe'en Feast"
  11. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 32 (Flesh, Blood and Bone)
  12. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film) - Chapter 1 (Who's Harry Potter?)
  13. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 6 (Draco's Detour)
  14. 14.0 14.1 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 22 (After the Burial)
  15. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 28 (Flight of the Prince)
  16. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 22 (The Deathly Hallows)
  17. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
  18. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 1 (The Dark Lord Ascending)
  19. 19.0 19.1 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film) - Chapter 17 (Death Eaters Attack)
  20. LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7
  21. Snitchseeker - Quote of the Week
Death Eaters
Dark Mark Pottermore
Leader: Lord Voldemort
Death Eaters

Avery II · Alecto Carrow · Amycus Carrow · Crabbe · Bartemius Crouch Junior † · Antonin Dolohov · Gibbon † · Goyle · Virgil Fowler's parents † · Gareth Greengrass's brother · Jugson · Barnaby Lee's father · Barnaby Lee's mother · Bellatrix Lestrange † · Rabastan Lestrange · Rodolphus Lestrange · Walden Macnair · Mulciber I · Mulciber II · Nott · Pyrites (possibly) · Augustus Rookwood · Rosier · Evan Rosier † · Felix Rosier's father (possibly) · Thorfinn Rowle · Selwyn · Merula Snyde's father · Merula Snyde's mother · Travers · Mason Tremblay (possibly) · Wilkes † · Corban Yaxley · Unidentified Death Eaters

Death Eater defectors

Regulus Black † · Igor Karkaroff † · Draco Malfoy · Lucius Malfoy · Peter Pettigrew † · Severus Snape

Death Eater allies

Borgin · Vincent Crabbe · John Dawlish · Delphini · Golgomath · Gregory Goyle · Fenrir Greyback · Mafalda Hopkirk · Narcissa Malfoy (defected) · Ismelda Murk (unofficially, supposedly) · Nagini · Mr Padgett · Mrs Padgett · Pansy Parkinson · Quirinus Quirrell · Albert Runcorn · Stanley Shunpike (Imperiused) · Scabior · Serpent of Slytherin · Pius Thicknesse (Imperiused) · Yubert Thorne · Dolores Umbridge

Other affiliations

British Ministry of Magic (under Voldemort's control) · Daily Prophet (under Voldemort's control) · Dementors · Draco Malfoy's gang · Kreacher (formerly) · Tom Riddle's gang · Gang of Slytherins · Giants (Golgomath's control) · Inferi · Charmed skeletons · Muggle-Born Registration Commission · Theodore Nott (possibly) · Snatchers · Werewolf army · The Unforgivable

Death Eater establishments

Abandoned nuclear power plant · Borgin and Burkes · British Ministry of Magic Headquarters (under Voldemort's control) · The Cave · Chamber of Secrets · Forbidden Forest · Gaunt Shack · Lee family house · Lestrange Vault · Little Hangleton graveyard · Malfoy Manor · Misty Dell · Riddle House · Snatcher Camp · Spinner's End (Severus Snape's house) · The Abandoned Substation · The Ruins · The Quarry
