Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

"Harry wrenched the stopper off the little bottle, Hermione took it and poured three drops of the potion onto the bleeding wound. Greenish smoke billowed upward and when it had cleared, Harry saw that the bleeding had stopped. The wound now looked several days old; new skin stretched over what had just been open flesh."
Hermione Granger using Essence of Dittany to heal a wounded Ron Weasley[src]

Essence of Dittany was a magical solution made from dried and crushed dittany leaves and salt water (15 drops),[1] that possessed powerful curative properties, which could be used on open shallow wounds for immediate healing and skin regeneration.[1][2] It could be used an ingredient in a wide variety of potions, including a mixture of powdered silver and dittany, which could be used to heal werewolf bites.[1]


L. Beardmore & Co. Apothecaries was an apothecary established in 1790 which sold this product, along with Syrup of Asphodel, both of which the Magizoologist Newton Scamander kept in his personal stores, inside his suitcase.[1]

The Hogwarts Apothecary kept Essence of Dittany in their stores at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.[3]


Hermione healing a Splinched Ron with Essence of Dittany

On 2 September 1997, somewhere in the English wilderness of Dartmoor, Hermione Granger used Essence of Dittany to heal a seriously injured Ron Weasley, who had been Splinched after having escaped the British Ministry of Magic with Hermione and Harry Potter, which was contained in a small brown bottle in her bag. Harry fetched the bottle from her bag using the Summoning Charm. The solution healed Ron's wounds instantly and regrew his lost skin, making the wound look several days old with new skin over what was just bare flesh. Hermione commented that it was the safest method of healing him, since she feared casting healing spells incorrectly on him and causing him more damage, as he had lost much blood.[2] Later in late December that year, she used the solution again to treat an injured Harry after having been attacked by Nagini in Bathilda Bagshot's home.[4]

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