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The following events occurred in 2020:


Original timeline[]

Second timeline[]

  • September-October:
    • Harry tells his son Albus to keep away from Scorpius Malfoy, and to stay in Gryffindor Common room. He is surprised to hear that he is in Gryffindor, having been sorted into Slytherin in the original timeline he came from.[2]
    • Albus discovers that Ron is married to Padma and Hermione is the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, and is worried to find out that because Hermione and Ron are not married in this timeline their children Rose and Hugo do not exist. He is also disappointed to find out that Cedric Diggory is still dead.[2]
    • Albus reluctantly avoids Scorpius. They discover when they changed things, Hermione thought Durmstrang were cheating and went to the Yule Ball with Ron instead.[2]
  • 22 October:
    • Albus and Scorpius talk to each other despite Harry's warnings. Albus believes that they can still save Cedric if they use an Engorgement Charm at the Second Task to make him fail that task. They use Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom to get into the lake. They turn back to 24 February, 1995 to engorge Cedric and thereby affect his chances in the Second Task even further, so that he does not win, and therefore is not killed by Voldemort. However, they create another new timeline.[2]

Third timeline[]

  • 22 October:
    • In the Black Lake, Scorpius returns from 24 February, 1995 of this new second changed timeline. He keeps his memories from the other two timelines he came from. He is now alone, due to Albus having never been born in this timeline. Harry died at the Battle of Hogwarts and Voldemort won. Scorpius still has the time-turner. He is found at the lake by Headmistress Dolores Umbridge, telling him he is ruining Voldemort Day.[2]
  • 29 October:
    • A week after being found in the lake, Scorpius decides he needs to find a way to fix the timeline. He finds Professor Snape, who is still alive and teaching at Hogwarts. He confronts him about his true nature, proving that he is from an alternate timeline. Snape is still secretly a member of Dumbledore's Army and takes him to Ron and Hermione, who were in hiding. Snape tells Scorpius they need to go back in time and stop his other self from ever intervening. They go to the Forbidden Forest to go back in time to the First Task on 24 November, 1994 and cast a Shield Charm to stop Albus and Scorpius from interfering.[2]

Fourth timeline[]

  • 29 October:
    • Snape, Ron, Hermione and Scorpius return to a future where Cedric still lost the second task. However, the world is still similar to the one where Voldemort won.[2]
    • Ron suffers a bad leg injury.[2]
    • They are attacked by Dementors, so Ron and Hermione sacrifice their souls so Snape and Scorpius could flee.[2]
    • Snape and Scorpius are found by Umbridge. Snape kills Umbridge. They get attacked by Dementors again, so Snape sacrifices his life so Scorpius could have space to go back in time.[2]
    • Scorpius goes back to the First Task and casts a Shield Charm to stop Albus and Scorpius from interfering.[2]
    • Scorpius turns back to the day of the Second Task 24 February, 1995, to stop Albus's Engorgement Charm. This was the second of the two necessary things he had to do to return things to how they were in the original timeline, with some minor changes.[2]

Fifth timeline[]

  • 29 October:
    • Harry visits Albus in his dorm room and they begin to repair their relationship.
    • Scorpius merely tells their parents that they have lost the Time Turner. Scorpius explains to Albus what happened in the third and fourth timelines.[2]
  • 30 October:
    • In the night, Scorpius wakes Albus. They decide to destroy the Time Turner. Scorpius says the last thing he saw it was when he went to the second task in the lake. They go to the lake and retrieve. Albus sends an owl to Delphi to join them at the Owlery.[2]
    • As they prepare to destroy Nott's Time Turner, Delphi turns up. Scorpius works out that she is secretly evil when she reveals her tattoo is of an Augurey, recognising the name of the title she had in the second and third revised timelines for Lord Voldemort. She kidnaps them, taking them down to the Quidditch Pitch, and reveals herself to be the secret daughter of Lord Voldemort.[2]
    • When their parents find out they have gone missing again, they visit Amos Diggory to find out what his niece is up to and why he sent the children owls. Amos says he does not have a niece. Draco Malfoy reveals to Harry that he has another Time Turner. Since they don't know where the children have travelled in time to, they can only wait for a clue.[2]
    • Delphi takes Albus and Scorpius back to 24 June, 1995 to humiliate Cedric and make him fail the Third Task, hoping it will make him turn into a Death Eater, like in the second and third revised timelines.[2]
    • Albus and Scorpius are careful, however, to ensure that their actions do not create a new timeline. They manage to apprehend Delphi for a moment, and she gives up trying to humiliate Cedric. She takes them further back in time to an event that still takes place in this timeline.[2]
    • She leaves Albus and Scorpius, who soon realise they have travelled to 30 October, 1981. They think Delphi means to kill baby Harry the next day instead of Voldemort so his downfall never happens. They go to Godric's Hollow where they see baby Harry with his parents, and decide to get the blanket to send a message to the future to warn their parents.[2]
  • 31 October:
    • On Hallowe'en, as it is the anniversary of Harry's parents' deaths, as usual, Harry returns to Albus's room to hold his blanket once again. He finds the burned message due to the love potion that Albus left for him 39 years prior in the timeline.[2]
    • Harry, Ron, Hermione and Draco turn back to 31 October, 1981, which is the root timeline before the points of divergence of all the other timelines, using the Malfoy Time Turner, so as to save Albus and Scorpius. They are careful, however, and ensure that they don't create a diverging timeline, so that their actions take place in the same timeline. The fourth revised/original timeline continues.[2]
    • They all return from 31 October, 1981 and put Delphi in Azkaban.[2]

The Calamity[]

A Memo from Constance WU

A Memo from Constance Pickering

  • January: The Calamity has become more active. Most of the new Foundables are tied directly to Albus Dumbledore, but, depending on how look at them, they're connected to Voldemort, too.[3]
    • The study of the new Foundables leads to the conclusion that this surge in Calamity activity is tied to Dumbledore, and his fight against darkness.[3]
  • February: A new surge of the Calamity focuses on Minerva McGonagall and Severus Snape. The new Foundables are of personal and private nature, also associated with lost loves – Dougal McGregor and Lily Potter. Constance Pickering makes the assumption that Grim Fawley incorporated research from the Love Room into his spell - perhaps the solution to turning the Calamity around is to look more closely at its key ingredient. After all, love is what created the spell. Maybe this is what it takes to stop it.[4]
  • March: The Calamity focuses on the Circus Arcanus, an exploitative travelling show from the 1920s, possibly having ties to Gellert Grindelwald. Constance Pickering notes that the Calamity seems to almost be testing moral fortitude of the members of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force.[5]
    • There is a lot of discussion among members of the SOS Task Force and even inside the Ministry. People are agonising over some of the choices they have to make. However, although the return of Foundables could have caused moral discomfort, any other choice is irresponsible at best, and catastrophic at worst.[5]
  • April: The Burrow is featured in an article about tourist destinations related to the Second Wizarding War, causing the Weasley's home to be invaded by tourists. This also causes the Calamity to focus on the Weasley family. Molly Weasley is shocked to find Foundable versions of Ron skulking around the house, often mistaking them for the present day Ron, who refuses to go home while the Burrow is beset with tourists.[6]
  • May: The final matches of the Hogwarts Inter-House Quidditch Cup cause excitement to run high among the students. Their single-minded focus attracts the attention of the Calamity.[7]
  • June: One year after the Calamity spell was cast, a Calamity surge regarding the SOS Taskforce itself occurs, leaving Ron Weasley and Harry Potter with memories of a conversation with Grim Fawley they claim never happened. In the conversation, Grim claimes to have been held captive for a year. Hermione Granger does not believe these conversations to be anything more than a dream.[8]
    • However, similar memories later appeares to Constance Pickering and Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt. In these memoirs, Grim claims that although it was his spell, he isn't responsible for the Calamity. He also tells that he has gained some ability to manipulate the Calamity to "guide" what it steals as Foundables. In the end, Hermione Granger also receives a new memory of her speaking with Grim.[8]
  • July: The Ministry's internal Calamity Management Team reports that there has been another surge in Calamity activity. The Calamity is focused almost exclusively on snatching baby beasts, incredibly valuable in the black markets. Further research showes that with this surge, Grim Fawley is trying to draw attention to the worsening situation in the Jakarta wizarding black market.[1]
  • JulyAugust: About a year later, Rubeus Hagrid again turns to the SOS Task Force for help in returning the magical creatures. The burned road right through the Forbidden Forest became a cause for concern. It was the first time that the Calamity causes real physical damage. The first assumption is that the fire was started by the Ukrainian Ironbelly Foundables. However, later it turnes out that the forest was set on fire by a real dragon, who flew surprisingly far from her home. Hermione Granger suggests that the dragon was attracted by her own Foundables, taken away by the Calamity. Volunteers return all Foundables and complete this surge.[9]
  • August: The new surge of the Calamity is almost entirely around memories of Diagon Alley shopping for First Year and Hogwarts itself. It seems almost benign. Later, Grim Fawley contacts Professor Sprout and claims to have found a way to influence the Calamity enough to truly modify it. This surge is made from his memories – almost exclusively.[10]
    • Also during the surge, fragments are found of a prophecy allegedly made by Professor Trelawney in the 1990s. In it, she predicted the Calamity. She also claimed that the "Ministry of Fools" will blame "the Grim man" for at least a year. However, since Grim Fawley learned to manipulate the Calamity, this prophecy could have been falsified.[10]
  • September: The new surge of the Calamity centres around memories of the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. During the surge fragments are found of a note, presumably Harry Potter's handwriting. It says this: "I did this".
    • Afterwards it is revealed that this surge was caused by Harry Potter. He figured out how Grim manipulated the Calamity. It is not easy, but it can be done in a short period of time. And in this time window, it is possible to use it to communicate — either through things like this note or by implanting memories into living Foundables. Unfortunately, it's impossible to simply stop Calamity.
      Accoding to Harry Potter: "It's like an ocean. You cannot stop an ocean. You can ride it, and try to guide it. It's incredible and terrifying and like nothing I've ever seen before... And as I rode the wave of thought and passion and yearning driving the Calamity, I realised that if Grim and I can manipulate this... Someone else could too."
  • October
  • November

Behind the scenes[]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Harry Potter: Wizards Unite "Brilliant Event: Baby Beast"
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
  3. 3.0 3.1 Harry Potter: Wizards Unite "Brilliant Event: Darkest of Times"
  4. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite "Brilliant Event: Lost Love"
  5. 5.0 5.1 Harry Potter: Wizards Unite "Brilliant Event: Circus Calamitous"
  6. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite "Brilliant Event: The Burrow Besieged"
  7. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite "Brilliant Event: The Quidditch Cup"
  8. 8.0 8.1 Harry Potter: Wizards Unite "Brilliant Event: One Year Later"
  9. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite "Brilliant Event: Fantastic Flora and Fauna"
  10. 10.0 10.1 Harry Potter: Wizards Unite "Brilliant Event: First Year at Hogwarts"

See also[]

External links[]

21st century : 2020s
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