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Penny Haywood: "I've seen her play before. She has a reputation for eliminating her competition…"
Jacob's sibling: "And eliminating the few fans in the stands…?"
Penny and Jacob's sibling watch Erika Rath committing a foul during a Quidditch friendly[src]

Erika Rath was a witch who played as the Beater on a Hogwarts Quidditch team in the 1980s and later as a Beater for the Holyhead Harpies.[4] She was also a member of the school's Dragon Club.[6]


Early life[]

Little is known about Rath's history before Hogwarts. It is known, that she became acquainted with Gwenog Jones at some point.[6] During her younger years, her father gave her a copy of Quidditch Through the Ages for her birthday.

Hogwarts years (1984-1991)[]

When Jacob's sibling and Penny Haywood were watching a practice match, between Jacob's sibling's House and Rath's House, Rath inadvertently hit a Bludger towards the stands. Chaser Skye Parkin took the hit so that the audience would not be wounded. Though this action saved the Jacob's sibling and Penny from potential injury, it also allowed the Seeker for Rath's House to catch the Golden Snitch. This caused Skye to begin to develop a great dislike for Rath. It also resulted in Jacob's sibling playing Quidditch as one of the team's Chasers was injured during the match and Jacob's sibling eventually won the position.[7]

During the 1985–1986 school year, when the Comet 220 that Skye Parkin was going to give Jacob's sibling vanished, she believed that Rath was responsible and spread rumours to this effect in an attempt to put pressure on her to return it. Parkin and Jacob's sibling later discovered that Hagrid's crup puppies, who were teething, had gotten ahold of the broom and chewed it to destruction. Though the misunderstanding was cleared up, Rath was still furious with Jacob's sibling as she believed that they had started the rumours about her.[8]

Skye attempted to clear up the matter with Rath during one of her Bludger practices and was struck by one of them, landing her in the Hospital Wing. Skye believed that it was revenge but Rath insisted that it was an accident. This led Jacob's sibling to deduce Rath's disability. They took advantage of this knowledge by instructing teammates to fly near Rath's blind spot when possible during the season's final match between their Houses to make the fearsome beater less effective.[9]

During the 1986–1987 school year, when Jacob's sibling discovered that Gwenog Jones may be connected to a cursed bludger that wrecked the Dragon Clubhouse during that year, Rath contacted Jones and arranged a meeting with Jacob's sibling at the Three Broomsticks Inn.[6]

During their second season playing Quidditch, Jacob's sibling was appointed a Beater on their house team. They played well enough to defeat Rath's house, eliminating them from the Inter-House Quidditch Cup, but as the championship came closer they realised that they would have to address their weaknesses to have a chance to win. Their mutual friend Andre Egwu suggested that Jacob's sibling ask Rath to help them train.[10]

Rath was initially extremely sceptical of their request, given their stormy history and her general opinion of the student, but she decided to give them a chance to prove themselves to her. They managed to do so, proving their determination by keeping up with her at her Bludger practice, and agreeing to teach her a manoeuvre that she didn't know in return.[10]

Rath was eventually impressed enough to help them train and the two began a friendship, though this caused Jacob's sibling to have some friction in their relationship with Skye Parkin, due to Skye's great dislike of Rath.[10]

During a practice match of the 1986–1987 school year, one of Rath's misdirected Bludgers struck Orion Amari and put him in the Hospital Wing. Though Madam Pomfrey was able to quickly heal his physical injuries, Orion was badly shaken by the injury and the major argument that broke out between the two teams because of it.[11]

Quidditch career (1991-)[]

Upon graduating from Hogwarts, Erika joined the Holyhead Harpies as a Beater.[1][4]

Physical description[]

Erika had blue eyes, white skin and long, pale blonde hair. She was notable for having a substantial build with very muscular arms, as befitting for a female Beater. It was later revealed that she had a large blind spot in her eye that did not visibly affect her appearance. When not in her Quidditch robes, Rath was usually seen wearing black leggings with a slight tear in one leg, knee-high brown boots, fingerless gloves, and a sleeveless hoody in her house colours, with a black long sleeve shirt underneath.

Personality and traits[]

Rath spoke very little, and when she did speak, she was always immediately to the point of what she wanted to say. She was known to be very physically violent, often practising Quiddich by hitting bludgers at practice dummies. She also had a reputation for poor sportsmanship and was thought to deliberately hit bludgers towards the crowd. However, this was never intentional — it was later revealed that she had an abnormally large blind spot in at least one of her eyes and genuinely didn't see the targets she fouled.

Magical abilities and skills[]

  • Flying: Erika was a fairly accomplished broomstick flyer, playing as Beater for a Hogwarts Quidditch team, although she was said to possess very poor sportsmanship, often resorting to foul play.


Behind the scenes[]

"Strong and silent, Erika Rath prefers to let her Beater's bat do the talking. Despite her fearsome reputation, Rath is a loyal friend... just be sure to stand a safe distance away when she's hitting Bludgers."
— Erika's character description[src]


The Harry Potter Wiki has 23 images related to Erika Rath.

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 7, Chapter 60 (Graduation and Beyond)
  2. "World Exclusive Interview with J K Rowling," South West News Service, 8 July 2000 - "Hogwarts just serves Britain and Ireland."
  3. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 4, Quidditch Season 3, Chapter 10 (Fair Game)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Beyond Hogwarts, Volume 1, Chapter 16 (FIRE AND EYES)
  5. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Beyond Hogwarts, Volume 1, Chapter 12 (CHECK MATES)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 3, "A DRAGON'S QUEST" Achievement
  7. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 2, Quidditch Season 1, Chapter 1 (Welcome to Quidditch)
  8. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 2, Quidditch Season 1, Chapter 9 (Searching for a Comet)
  9. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 2, Quidditch Season 1, Chapter 12 (The Quidditch Cup)
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 3, Quidditch Season 2, Chapter 9 (RIVALRY, RESPECT, AND RATH)
  11. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 4, Quidditch Season 3, Chapter 1 (An Unfriendly Friendly)
  12. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 5, Quidditch Season 4, Chapter 5 (A Call to Arms)
Quidditch positions at Hogwarts
Filemina Alchin · Astrix Alixan · Orion Amari · Angelina Appleby · Oona Ballington · Concepta Battista · Hugh Biggs · Vicky Bishopper · Richard Carter · Angelica Cole · Stuart Craggy · Winky Crockett · Dan Darker · Roger Davies · Cedric Diggory · Marcus Flint · Hamish Frater · Stephen Gould · David Hamblin · Robin Higgy · Natalie Holkham · Jody Jacknife · Angelina Johnson · Jo King · Kris Kolumbiko · Jess Lafington · Neil Lament · Steve Laughalot · Russell Lucky · David Makehay · Graham Montague · Mark Overcliff · Erika Rath · Andrew Snowy Owl · Harry Potter · Katie Rayknolls · Imelda Reyes · Isobel Ross · Ashley Sanders · Mark Sommertime · Lucinda Talkalot · Urquhart · Emma Vanity · Charles Weasley · Rufus Winickus · Oliver Wood · Jacob's sibling · Unidentified Quidditch Captain (I) · Unidentified Quidditch Captain (II)
Kevin Bletchley · Miles Bletchley · Brennan Doyle · Andre Egwu · Herbert Fleet · Geoffrey Hooper · Cormac McLaggen · Grant Page · Ronald Weasley · Oliver Wood · Jacob's sibling · Unidentified Gryffindor Keeper · Unidentified Slytherin Keeper · Unidentified Keeper (I) · Unidentified Keeper (II) · Unidentified Keeper (III)
Orion Amari · Tamsin Applebee · Katie Bell · Bradley · Randolph Burrow · Cadwallader · Chambers · Roger Davies · Eekins · Marcus Flint · Rose Granger-Weasley · Jarrett · Angelina Johnson · Heidi Macavoy · Graham Montague · Ethan Parkin · Skye Parkin · James Potter · Malcolm Preece · Adrian Pucey · Imelda Reyes · Imelda Reyes's father · Demelza Robins · Zacharias Smith · Alicia Spinnet · Jeremy Stretton · Dean Thomas · Urquhart · Vaisey · Cassius Warrington · Ginevra Weasley · Blaise Zabini · Jacob's sibling · Unidentified Chaser (I) · Unidentified Chaser (II) · Unidentified fourth-year Chaser · Unidentified Gryffindor Chaser (I) · Unidentified Gryffindor Chaser (II) · Unidentified Gryffindor Chaser (III) · Unidentified Gryffindor Chaser (IV) · Erika Rath's friend (I) · Erika Rath's friend (II) · Unidentified Quidditch Captain (I)
Cecil Anderson · Bean · Lucian Bole · Ritchie Coote · Vincent Crabbe · Peregrine Derrick · Dobbin · Gregory Goyle · Duncan Inglebee · Andrew Kirke · Michael McManus · Maxine O'Flaherty · Jimmy Peakes · Erika Rath · Anthony Rickett · Jason Samuels · Jack Sloper · Fred Weasley · George Weasley · Baglan Wellnelly · Jacob's sibling · Unidentified Beater · Unidentified Gryffindor Beater · Unidentified Gryffindor Beater (II) · Unidentified Slytherin Beater (I) · Unidentified Slytherin Beater (II) · Unidentified Quidditch Captain (II)
Regulus Black · Cho Chang · Cedric Diggory · Andre Egwu · Harper · Terence Higgs · Gilderoy Lockhart · Draco Malfoy · Harry Potter · Sirona Ryan · Summerby · Charles Weasley · Ginevra Weasley · Willa Weholt · Gruffyd Wellnelly · Jacob's sibling · Unidentified Gryffindor Seeker · Unidentified Hufflepuff Seeker · Unidentified Ravenclaw Seeker · Unidentified Ravenclaw Seeker's substitute · Unidentified Seeker (I) · Unidentified Seeker (II)
Unknown positions
Vicky Bishopper · Stuart Craggy · Winky Crockett · Dan Darker · Robin Higgy · Jody Jacknife · Jo King · R. King · Kris Kolumbiko · Jess Lafington · Neil Lament · Steve Laughalot · Russell Lucky · David Makehay · M. G. McGonagall · Mark Overcliff · Philomena · Katie Rayknolls · Sean · Andrew Snowy Owl · Mark Sommertime · Lucinda Talkalot · Emma Vanity · Rufus Winickus · Unidentified pure-blood student · Unidentified Quidditch player
Possible players
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