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Bill Weasley, a Curse-Breaker

"Are you seeking a challenging career involving travel, adventure, and substantial, danger-related treasure bonuses? Then consider a position with Gringotts Wizarding Bank, who are currently recruiting Curse-Breakers for thrilling opportunities abroad."
— Pamphlet on Gringotts jobs available to Hogwarts students[src]

A Curse-Breaker was an occupational title used by witches and wizards who removed, countered or broke curses placed on objects or places for a living.[1]


Ministry officials tasked with the removal of unfriendly spells from illegally bewitched objects notwithstanding, the term "Curse-Breaker" was commonly used in reference to a group of adventurous bankers in the employment of Gringotts Wizarding Bank at Diagon Alley in London, England. Operating as something akin to treasure-hunting archaeologists, Gringotts's Curse-Breakers were tasked with travelling the world in search of old treasure troves from which the bank might make a profit, and specialised in the removal of magical security measures placed upon such areas.

Curse-Breakers did not have any form of formal uniform, seen as how the goblins running Gringotts generally cared little about what they looked like in terms of appearance or dress, as long as they brought much treasure back to the bank. It was, however, nevertheless widely considered to be a very serious profession due to the amount of danger involved, as in addition to the risk they all ran of being killed as a result of an old curse left to protect their objectives, they would also encounter and have to deal with a great many Dark or otherwise dangerous creatures, artefacts, and even rivals on their travels; Dark wizards among them.[2]


In order to qualify, an O.W.L. in Arithmancy was required, as some banking and transaction would be done.[3] Some other qualifications were presumably also necessary.

Based on the Gringotts's recruitment pamphlet, the career was meant for witches and wizards so adventurous they thought that the perks of the job outweighed the risks involved. There was no official training programme proscribed for prospective applicants once they were hired by the bank; with the only training they got being on the job.[4] Consequently, professional Curse-Breakers had their own methods and ways of doing things, based on their experiences. Curse-Breakers also often had both physical and emotional challenges to contend with during their assignments.[5]

Known Curse-Breakers[]


Notes and references[]

  1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 1 (Owl Post)
  2. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 4, Chapter 4 (Curse-Breakers)
  3. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 29 (Careers Advice)
  4. In Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 6, "THE DRAGON'S TREASURE" Achievement, Bill mentions in part 1 of it that "it is incredible how quickly you learn on the job, simply because you have to."
  5. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 6, Chapter 23 (A Brilliant Surprise)
  6. Wonderbook: Book of Spells
  7. Matilda Weasley's character card on Twitter
  8. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 4, Chapter 1 (Year Four Begins)
  9. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Beyond Hogwarts, Volume 1, Chapter 7 (CASE TWO: FRAUDULENCE, FILES AND FASHION)
  10. Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World
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