Frequently Asked Questions (collapsed)

Our work with Criteo conversion campaigns has generated great performance for our clients and is a key pillar in our e-commerce offer. We are delighted to continue the evolution with the Consideration campaigns to expand our target and clients’ brand. We look forward to growing our partnership with Criteo Partners.

- Raúl Ferrer, General Director of Okisam

What is an Agency Partner


What are the benefits of Criteo Partners?


How can my agency qualify for Partner status?


What will I learn in the Certification Training Program?





Explore the new digital media channels making waves among agencies in the US and EMEA


There's way more to retail media than ROAS. We’re answering brands’ most pressing questions about the value of their retail media investments.

What´s inside?

Findings from 44,000+ retail media campaigns and survey results from brand leaders around the world on retail media's comprehensive benefits, including:

Campaigns are incremental without a doubt.

Retail media consistently converts new to brand shoppers.

More spotlight leads to more market share.

Online advertising directly influences the world of offline.

And more.

Why it matters

Diverse measurement helps advertisers pinpoint underperforming areas and readjust accordingly, ensuring effective budget allocation.

By considering full-funnel metrics, brands gain a more holistic understanding of their campaign effectiveness.

Understanding shoppers' preferences enables tailored messaging, targeting, and product offerings—leading to better customer satisfaction.

Long-term metrics such as social proof and share of sales help advertisers cultivate positive brand sentiments and enduring customer relationships.

Discover more ways to measure success. 

Retail media can deliver far more than ROAS 

Why your retail media campaigns are delivering more than you think.

Comprehensive Insights

Sustainable Growth

Optimization Opportunities

Better Customer Experiences