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Enhance your workflow with extensions

Tools from the community and partners to simplify tasks and automate processes

Search results for “Azure”

280 results

Authenticate to Azure and run your Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell based actions or scripts

Deploy Web Apps/Containerized Web Apps to Azure.

Deploy to a Kubernetes cluster including, but not limited to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters


Review your PRs with a GPT Model from Azure Open AI

Deploy Function App to Azure Functions

Install a specific version of helm binary. Acceptable values are latest or any semantic version string like 1.15.0

Automate your GitHub workflows using Azure CLI scripts

Deploys an application to Azure Static Web Apps

Install a specific version of kubectl binary. Acceptable values are latest or any semantic version string like 1.15.0

Log in to Azure Container Registry (ACR) or any private container registry

Deploy a database project, DACPAC, or a SQL script to Azure SQL database

Set the context of a target Kubernetes cluster and export the kubeconfig which is used by subsequent actions

Use this GitHub Action task to deploy Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template

This action will Sync your GitHub Issue to Azure Boards when an Issue is created or updated

Trigger a run in Azure pipelines

Deploy to Containers to Azure Container Instances.

Automate your GitHub workflows using Azure PowerShell scripts

Triggers compliance scan on Azure resources and passes/fails based on the compliance state of the resources

Create or update Azure policies from your GitHub Workflows using Manage Azure Policy action

Uploads assets to Azure Blob Storage