Wiki of Westeros

HOTD203 House of the Dragon: Season 2, Ep. 3: "The Burning Mill" is now streaming on Max.


Wiki of Westeros
Wiki of Westeros

"In the old times, whenever Braavos stood in danger, the titan would step with fire in his eyes. He'd wade into the sea and smash the enemies."
Ternesio Terys, to Arya Stark[src]

The Titan of Braavos,[1] or simply the Titan,[2] is a fortress in the shape of a massive statue that guards the harbor entrance to Braavos, one of the Free Cities. It stands nearly 400 feet tall.[3]

As a major landmark, the Titan is often used as a symbol of the city itself. The image of the Titan appears on Braavosi coinage.

The nickname of the Braavosi sellsword Mero, "the Titan's Bastard," makes reference to the Titan.

The trading galley, the Titan's Daughter, also bears its name in reference to the Titan as a symbol of its home port.[4]

In the books[]

Braavosi coin inside the episode

Inside-the-Episode photo from "Second Sons" revealing that Braavosi coins are stamped with the design of the Titan.

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, the Titan of Braavos is a massive stone and bronze statue that guards the entrance into the lagoon where Braavos is situated. It is the primary line of defense for Braavos and lets out a loud blast whenever a ship approaches the entrance to warn the Arsenal of its coming.

The Titan is listed as one of the nine Wonders Made by Man in the eponymous book written by explorer Lomas Longstrider.

The Titan was likely inspired by the real-life Colossus of Rhodes, an allegedly gigantic statue of the Greek sun god, Helios, that graced the harbor of Rhodes in the Aegean Sea. Listed as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, it was destroyed during an earthquake in 226 BCE. Later artistic impressions show the Colossus as straddling the harbor with an upraised arm, much like the Titan, but it is generally accepted that this was a misinterpretation that originated in the medieval period. The actual Colossus probably stood to one side of the harbor in a posture that was structurally sound for its heavy bronze composition.


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