Diane Keaton kisses Jimmy Kimmel while recreating romantic Book Club scene

Diane Keaton’s self-admitted “witch” hat has seemingly cast a romantic spell on Jimmy Kimmel.

The Oscar-winning actress stopped by Kimmel’s nightly talk show Wednesday to promote her new movie, Book Club, during which her character — one of four friends (Keaton, Candice Bergen, Mary Steenburgen, and Jane Fonda) learning to live and love late in life — falls for a dashing man played by Andy Garcia. Keaton gushed about her hunky costar for the first portion of the interview, appearing to get herself all hot and bothered at the mere thought of a particularly romantic scene she shares with him in the film.

“Do you want to see what happens with me and Andy in the movie? I’m going to do it with you right now,” Keaton says before setting the scenario. “At the end of the movie I have this extremely fun moment for me and I’m seeing Andy and we’re together and I’m going to kiss him goodbye, ok? So here’s how it went. You better stand up.”

Kimmel, standing in for Garcia, joins Keaton in front of his desk. When he prompts her for direction and inspiration for the scene, she tells him he’s “just the man.”

“I didn’t have a hat on, so I didn’t look like a witch… I look at his face and I… go like this,” Keaton continues, grabbing Kimmel’s face with both of her hands. “It’s my turn to do that! Usually the man does that!”

She then pulls Kimmel’s lips to hers as the audience cheers.

“A dream has come true for Jimmy Kimmel here. Why can’t I be Andy Garcia?” Kimmel asks. Keaton adds: “Andy’s great though, Andy’s so great in the movie and he’s so much fun to act with because he’s very loose. Unlike you, you were stiff!”

Book Club is in theaters on Friday. Watch Keaton’s appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live above.

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