Sorting out the Crisis history/timeline and a followup about Pandora merging Earths in Flashpoint.

On September 1st, 2014, /u/DrManhattan16 asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

Can someone please explain to me how the infinite crisis books started in the 1985, but the entire plot up till the new 52 reboot happened in 2011, but comic books for each character still continued in the 90s and 00s? Shouldn’t the reboot have either occurred in the 80s or in 2011, but without all the time inbetween?

Infinite Crisis affected the Multiverse but it wasn’t what caused the New 52, that was the Flashpoint event in 2011. Also, infinite Crisis didn’t start in 1985, that was Crisis on Infinite Earths which while confusing is a different story.

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What is up with the different Earths?

On August 18th, 2014, /u/ihugpotatos asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

What is up with the different Earths? Like what’s importance of Earth2 which I hear about a lot. Does each title from the new 52 get its own Earth (so 52 Earths altogether?)

Oh no, each title isn’t its own Earth. When we talk about earths what we’re really talking about is parallel universes that together make a multiverse.

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