What’s the deal with the Fourth World?

On December 30th, 2014, /u/rustbucket2010 asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

What’s the “Fourth World”? I was reading Kingdom Come and it’s mentioned.

What the deal with the Fourth World?

The Fourth World is a term used both within the DC Universe to refer to a place/period of time and in ours to refer to a collection of titles written by Jack Kirby. That may sound simple but there’s a huge amount to it! As I enjoy ranting about comic book history, let’s get right down to it.

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How many Source Walls are there in the Multiverse? Is each ‘Earth’ a planet of a universe? How many Darkseids are there?

On December 1st, 2014, /u/DroppedPJK asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

Could someone explain this Multiversity map thing? From what I understand there is only one SOURCE WALL and all the Earths are somehow separated by this “bleed.”

Does that mean if someone from Earth 2 and Earth 1 went to the same exact point on the source wall they would meet?

Is it safe to assume that with different Earths, that they all have their own sort of universe like Mars 1 and Mars 2?

Is there only ONE DARKSEID that plagues the entire multiverse or multiple versions of him?

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Why do different Mother Boxes look so different?

On September 2nd, 2014, /u/mikeman1090 asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

In Batman and Robin #34 (Robin Rises part two) why is Batman’s Motherbox super small like a phone instead of the actual box that they carry in Infinity Man and the Forever People? Did Bats upgrade to a smaller, sleeker, and more portable version or what?


From the original Infinity Man and the Forever People

Firstly, it’s important to remember what a Motherbox is. According to the Wikipedia they are: Continue reading