The Complete DC post-Flashpoint Spreadsheet [Updated to August 2016]

[Update: 1 June, 2016] So here it is, the current, most up-to-date version of the Complete DC Comics post-Flashpoint Checklist! In here you’ll find, listed by month, every comic in the order DC has released them since September 2011.


You may remember previous versions of this were known as The Complete New 52 Spreadsheet but I renamed it to fit better once the New 52 branding is over. To that end you’ll also notice that there’s multiple sheets to the spreadsheet. The first covers everything from the launch of the New 52 up to and including Convergence, while the second sheet commences with June 2015 with the DC You branding. The third comes from June 2016 to coincide with DC’s Rebirth relaunch. It helps keep it more manageable. :)

And now, the regularly featured segments:

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Guest Post: The Ring of the Mastermen

I love writing this blog but I also love reading other people being brilliant. Eventually I’d like to see this site expand to include multiple writers (multiple Historians!) but for now I’m glad to introduce our first ever guest post! It come to us via The Qing (/u/The-Qing on Reddit) and you can find their Tumblr here and the original post here.



Richard Wagner

Less my usual style of ranting about comic history this is a instead really great breakdown and analysis of imagery and themes used by Grant Morrison in his latest maxi-series, The Multiversity, especially focusing on the the connections between Wagner’s epic opera cycle, Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung) and the seventh issue The Multiversity: Mastermen #1. He even broke up the analysis into sections named after the four operas that make up Wagner’s ring cycle: Das Rheingold (The Rhine Gold), Die Walküre (The Valkyrie), Siegfried and Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods)

It goes without saying that you should not read the following without having read The Multiversity: Mastermen #1 first – it will spoil the whole joy of the book. Also, don’t forget you can click any image in this post to see the large version.

So, without further ado, here’s The Qing’s post. Enjoy!

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How many Source Walls are there in the Multiverse? Is each ‘Earth’ a planet of a universe? How many Darkseids are there?

On December 1st, 2014, /u/DroppedPJK asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

Could someone explain this Multiversity map thing? From what I understand there is only one SOURCE WALL and all the Earths are somehow separated by this “bleed.”

Does that mean if someone from Earth 2 and Earth 1 went to the same exact point on the source wall they would meet?

Is it safe to assume that with different Earths, that they all have their own sort of universe like Mars 1 and Mars 2?

Is there only ONE DARKSEID that plagues the entire multiverse or multiple versions of him?

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What’s up with Earth-D?

On October 15th, 2014, /u/switchfade asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

Can someone help me? I’m trying to read about earth D! I found the concept amazing but I have no idea how to find out more


DC history nerd here! I think I can probably help :)

First we need to go way way back to the 60’s. The decision to explain how the the 1940’s Flash (Jay Garrick, the guy with the metal hat) and the new Flash (Barry Allen) could both exist was to say they existed on parrallel Earths, and the two finally met in the seminal story Flash of Two Worlds (1961). This lead to the establishment of Earth-One, where the modern characters lived, and Earth-Two, where Jay Garrick and the Justice Society hung out. The JLA and the JSA the had annual adventures where they’d team up for, basically, the next two decades.

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Whatever happened to DC using the National Comics characters?

On October 1st, 2015, /u/PrinceAuryn asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

According to this,, there was talk of reviving certain characters into New52 like Kid Eternity, who seems to have a cool power. Did this just fall by the wayside?

Well, there’s really been too main attempts to get the people interested in the characters, and we’ll cover both below!

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How does the Anti-Matter universe fit in the multiverse?

On September 15th, 2014, /u/mateogg asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

How does the Anti-Matter universe fit in the multiverse? is it just one of the 52? or is the Matter-Antimatter pair one universe from this perspective?

It has nothing to do with the Earth-3 universe, right?

Crime Syndicate of Amerika

Oh man, I love this question. OK kids, this is where it gets complicated…


Originally the antimatter universe was created billions of years ago by Krona, basically a renegade Gaurdian from before they were the Gaurdians who’s been screwing stuff up since, including in Brightest Day. Anyway:

Billions of years ago, a Maltusian scientist named Krona, performed a forbidden experiment in an effort to see the origin of the universe. His irresponsible actions disrupted the process of cosmic creation, resulting in an additional, opposite universe.

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What is up with the different Earths?

On August 18th, 2014, /u/ihugpotatos asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

What is up with the different Earths? Like what’s importance of Earth2 which I hear about a lot. Does each title from the new 52 get its own Earth (so 52 Earths altogether?)

Oh no, each title isn’t its own Earth. When we talk about earths what we’re really talking about is parallel universes that together make a multiverse.

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