What’s the deal with the Anti-Monitor?

On January 19th, 2015, /u/Cyber85 asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

Can someone explain who the ant monitor is? I keep seeing that name pop around when I read comics.

The Ant!

Oh man – I love that people are asking about the Ant! He was a villain of the Teen Titans back in 1966! He was a thief so I guess he had to monitor stuff and…

Oh, you meant the Anti-monitor. Well, he’s (it’s?) cool too. Here’s what you need to know. :)

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What is The Joker’s real identity?

On December 1st, 2014, someone – who has since deleted their Reddit account – asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

What is The Joker’s real identity?  (I bet DC can’t even answer this one.)


“Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another… If I’m going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!” 

~ Joker, Batman: The Killing Joke, 1988.

While that certainly holds true – and his identity has never been concretely revealed – there’s a bunch of stuff we can talk about with this though! Firstly, there’s some staples that appear in most versions: Continue reading

How does the Anti-Matter universe fit in the multiverse?

On September 15th, 2014, /u/mateogg asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

How does the Anti-Matter universe fit in the multiverse? is it just one of the 52? or is the Matter-Antimatter pair one universe from this perspective?

It has nothing to do with the Earth-3 universe, right?

Crime Syndicate of Amerika

Oh man, I love this question. OK kids, this is where it gets complicated…


Originally the antimatter universe was created billions of years ago by Krona, basically a renegade Gaurdian from before they were the Gaurdians who’s been screwing stuff up since, including in Brightest Day. Anyway:

Billions of years ago, a Maltusian scientist named Krona, performed a forbidden experiment in an effort to see the origin of the universe. His irresponsible actions disrupted the process of cosmic creation, resulting in an additional, opposite universe.

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What is up with the different Earths?

On August 18th, 2014, /u/ihugpotatos asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

What is up with the different Earths? Like what’s importance of Earth2 which I hear about a lot. Does each title from the new 52 get its own Earth (so 52 Earths altogether?)

Oh no, each title isn’t its own Earth. When we talk about earths what we’re really talking about is parallel universes that together make a multiverse.

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