Why doesn’t it matter that Wally West is now black?

So, normally on this blog I respond to question posed directly to me or posted around the web. Today’s post is a little different as I’ll be covering, on a point-by-point basis, all the arguments for why changing Wally West’s ethnicity in the New 52. Also, why most of them are ridiculous at best and racist at worst.


I think it’s important to note: I’m not a DC apologist, nor am I, by pointing out why some arguments are wrong, saying that everything DC does is right. Twisting the argument to this, as people often seem to do, is ridiculous and it’s perfectly possible to admit that a company like DC has a long way to go and that people opposing them starting to make those changes are wrong.

Furthermore, Wally West is my Flash. Yes, I’m a Golden Age nerd and love Jay Garrick, along with Barry Allen, Bart Allen and all the rest in the Flash Family Tree. However, I was born in the same year Crisis on Infinite Earths hit the stands and Wally will always be the true scarlet speedster – so this is not coming from a place of someone who doesn’t care, deeply, about the character.

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At the time was Jason Todd heavily disliked because he wasn’t like Dick Grayson? How has his origin changed over the years?

On November 17th, 2015, /u/Stevezilla9 asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

My question is for those who were reading when Jason Todd was Robin. At the time was he heavily disliked because he wasn’t like Dick Grayson? If so, looking back are you glad that they made him out to be a different kind of Robin rather than being a copy of Grayson? Pre-Crisis wasn’t he a redhead who was also an orphan from a family of acrobats?

Pre Vs post-Crisis Jason Todd origins

Well, I wasn’t reading as it was a little bit early for me – I was born in 1985 – but I think I can help you. Continue reading

Wait, the Teen Titans never existed before Tim? Wasn’t there a reference in Red Hood and the Outlaws..?

On October 28th, 2014, /u/kunaal29 said the following on /r/DCcomics, in response to questions about the Teen Titans history in the New 52:

I think tha Dick used to be on an earlier incarceration of the Teen Titans. In a Red Hood and the Outlaws issue (I forgot which one), Jason and Dick talk about how Dick was romantically involved with Starfire and imply that they were on a team together. at least that how I read it.


[Edit: The information in this post is now no longer (completely) accurate! Make sure you check the update at the bottom!]

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What’s the state of Blüdhaven in the New 52?

On October 26th, 2014, /u/gamer4maker asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

Since you’ve read every N52 book, you are probably the person to ask. Has Blüdhaven ever been mentioned by anyone in the New 52? I’m assuming it’s still a gooey pile of toxic waste, but I am curious as to whether it has been acknowledged.


[Edit: The information in this post is now no longer (completely) accurate! Make sure you check the update at the bottom!]

Oh, awesome question! So, for those playing at home, Blüdhaven is/was a city not far from Gotham, most famously for:

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