What gods power Shazam and how did this change during Darkseid War?

On November 17th, 2015, /u/agnosgnosia – and, actually, a bunch of other people – asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

Who are the new gods that give [Shazam] his powers?


So, for those who may not know, during the current Darkseid War event – which, funnily enough, hasn’t had really that much Darkseid or even that much of a war – a bunch of the Justice League got new powers. Flash merged with the Black Racer, Batman is having a nice sit on Metron’s chair and, most importantly, Shazam – yes, the guy who used to be called Captain Marvel – got a whole new pantheon of Gods and a new title: the God of Gods!

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What’s the deal with Hawkman and Hawkgirl?

On January 5th, 2015, /u/IrateGinger asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

Can someone give me an explanation of Hawkman and Hawkgirl?


Normally when I write these I get to talk a bunch about what characters have done, what makes them tick, highlights from their careers etc. This time? Well sure, I’ll be covering a bunch of that but I’m also going to be mainly focusing on the main, many, many (many!) continuity changes and crazy updates DC has subjected the characters to in their nearly 75 years of publication. I’m going to basically focus on Hawkman but I’ll be covering Hawkgirl (and Hawkwoman, when she calls herself that) too at each point.

UntitledOne other thing that’s a bit different with this post is that I have a contributor! Reddit user /u/dmull387 has written a great coverage of Hawkman’s history and I’ll be including his commentary throughout! You can check out his Tumblr here. When I’m quoting him you’ll see the speech bubble to the right and the text will appear in this rather charming blue.

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DC and Marvel both have a Captain Marvel, what’s the story there? What big differences are there between Superman and Shazam?

On December 3rd, 2014, /u/GypsyMonster asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

I’m very new to the actual comic books themselves, but have a decent grasp so far…but on to my question.

If I do a Google/Google Image search for “Captain Marvel,” I’ll get about a 50/50 split between Shazam (DC) and Captain Marvel (Marvel). Is there a particular reason for both big two publishers to have the name?

Also, what big differences are there between Superman and Shazam? (I know practically nothing about Shazam other than he looks just like Supes).

OK, here we go… “SHAZAM!”

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How does Booster Gold feel about Jaime Reyes, given the old Blue Beetle, Ted Kord, was his bestie?

On November 10th, 2014, /u/daxdaxdax asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

[Prior to the New 52 reboot, how did] Booster Gold feel about Jaime Reyes?

Their relationship was pretty good. Obviously it was a bit weird for Booster with this new legacy hero following on from his dead best bud, but they actually got along well. They actually met basically right at the beginning of Jaime’s career during Infinite Crisis:

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Will they ever explain ‘that fight’ between Martian Manhunter and the Justice League?

On October 20th, 2014, /u/Nightangale asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

Did [we] ever find out want went down between martian manhunter and the rest of justice league when he was a member?


For those who don’t know, I assume /u/Nightangale is referring to the panel from Justice League #8 that references, as a single splash page, that it “didn’t go well” when Martian Manhunter and the Justice League worked together: Continue reading

When did Sue and Ralph Dibny become so entangled with the League and so beloved?

On August 17th, 2014, /u/WW4O asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

I’ve read almost all of the core storyline stuff from the DiDio days on, and from Identity Crisis forward you never stop hearing about how Ralph and Sue Dibny were, like, the most beloved and pivotal members of the Justice League…

When did that happen? I’ve never been aware of a time when Elongated Man and his wife were a really big deal, except for Identity Crisis and 52.

Oh, you’ve got my nose twitching!

Certainly it was well before Identity Crisis as after that, well, lets just say Sue… wasn’t a very useful detective. In fact, as he got a bunch of solo appearances, to look at them as a couple it’s easier to look at her history and appearances. To paraphrase the Wikipedia entry for Sue first:

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