“Could Green Lantern create Kryptonite?”

On December 8th, 2014, /u/IrateGinger asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

Could Green Lantern create Kryptonite?

Just thought I’d expand on what /u/gamer4maker has already (most excellently) here:

Short answer yes with an if, long answer no with a but.

Basically pre-Rebirth, if a Green Lantern had enough willpower they could create any energy source known to man, including Kryptonite radiation. Since Geoff Johns took over the Lanternverse things may have changed a little. It’s never been explicitly stated, but it’s never happened, and it appears the rules have been changed.

Anyway, on with my answer!

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What are Kyle Rayner’s powers as a White Lantern?

On October 27th, 2014, /u/blackmanandrobin asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

So I picked Green lantern: New guardians for Godhead and I was wondering. What exactly is the power set for a White lantern? It looked like Kyle was warping reality or some shit.

Well, the White Lantern stuff is a bit complicated by the fact it was all initially going down during the Blackest Night and Brightest Day arcs, which were all pre-N52. For that period, from Wikipedia:

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How did Alan Scott’s ring work, pre-New 52, and how was he eventually tied in with the Green Lantern Corps?

On August 17th, 2014, /u/HugoOBravo asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

How exactly does Pre new-52 Alan Scott’s ring work, if he wasn’t recruited by the Guardians? and how did the Silver Age end up tying him to the new Green Lantern mythos?

Scott’s powers and origin are a little confusing, as one can imagine with a character this old. For this I’ll only be talking about pre-52 and not the Earth 2 version whose power comes from The Green.

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