Climbing through the Flash Family Tree

On January 21st, 2015, /u/Cyber85 asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

Can you also explain the flash family tree because there are so many flashes and I get confused on which is which.


The Flash family and then some!

OK, so this is a bit of a big one so we’re going to break it down into stages to make it more manageable. We’ll be covering three main areas:

  1. The New 52 Flash Family Tree(s) – simply, by Flash standards
  2. The pre-New 52 Flash Family Tree – this is where it gets complicated
  3. Even more members of the Flash Family – yep, it just keeps going…

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Names, alliases and histories of Floronic Man and Professor Zoom

On January 20th, 2015, /u/dmull387 asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

So this one is pretty much all /u/Warlach, because I get the feeling not many other people have this level of minutiae off hand.

When did Woodrue switch from Plant Master to “The Flouronic Man,” and when did Professor Zoom’s alias switch from Adrian Zoom to Eobard Thawne? I’m rereading an old “greatest stories ever told” trade and the naming threw me off.

Eobard Thawne and Floronic Man together!

Thanks, I think :P

I mean, I do cheat by using blogs and wikis etc when writing my posts but it does help that my brain is far too full of this useless info. Anyway, here’s what I’ve got on this…

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What’s the deal with the Anti-Monitor?

On January 19th, 2015, /u/Cyber85 asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

Can someone explain who the ant monitor is? I keep seeing that name pop around when I read comics.

The Ant!

Oh man – I love that people are asking about the Ant! He was a villain of the Teen Titans back in 1966! He was a thief so I guess he had to monitor stuff and…

Oh, you meant the Anti-monitor. Well, he’s (it’s?) cool too. Here’s what you need to know. :)

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What’s the deal with Static?

On January 19th, 2015, /u/switchfade asked me the following on /r/DCcomics:

You always give great answers!!!! So could you tell me everything you know about static? Are there any versions running around the multiverse? Who is the guy with the red and green suit who I sometimes see in pictured with static?why isn’t static being used? And why doesn’t DC use static more?

Ahhh, Static. While he is yet another black superhero with lightning powers he’s reasonably unique and justifiably beloved. So here’s what you want to know!

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What’s the deal with OMACs?

On January 18th, 2015, /u/GrooveCity asked the following on /r/DCcomics:

Whats the deal with the OMACs. I remember the 90s had a mohawked guy running around. Infinite Crisis had the robots and Brother Eye. Now some sort of new Brother Eye in the new 52?

OMACs attack!

Oh man, OMACs. There are lots of different versions across the years. Sometimes it stands for One Man Army Corps, sometimes Omni Mind And Community or Observational Metahuman Activity Construct and there’s been more. A recurring theme is satellites, mohawks and eyes shaped logos but regardless, here’s what you need to know for OMAC 101!

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