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"Let's just say I put him in a hole and threw away the hole."
Amanda Waller[src]

Belle Reve Federal Penitentiary, later renamed Belle Reve Correctional Center, is a prison for powerful criminals and a black site operation for A.R.G.U.S., located in the U.S state of Louisiana.

It has housed many notable metahumans and other dangerous individuals, including Captain Boomerang, Deadshot, Killer Croc, El Diablo, Harley Quinn, and Lex Luthor.


Imprisonment of Lex Luthor[]

Belle Reve Black Site

The Black Site known as Belle Reve

After the events of the battle with Doomsday, a SWAT team stormed Scout Ship 0344, and subsequently apprehended and imprisoned Lex Luthor into Belle Reve, who had been using the ship's archives to research Steppenwolf.

BvS - Batman visits Lex in jail-1

There, Lex was shaved bald and given his own cell. A number of days later, a guard, accompanied by the warden, ordered Lex Luthor to turn around so that he could come in and restrain Lex, as the warden needed to speak to the prisoner. Instead, Batman appeared and revealed that he had arranged for Lex to get transferred to Arkham Asylum in Gotham City, as the Dark Knight had "friends" there that could keep an eye on Lex. He responded by giving Batman a threat of the oncoming invasion commanded by Darkseid, and Batman responded by smashing his branding ring into the wall of the cell behind Lex in rage. When he turned around, the Dark Knight was gone. Lex then promptly ran towards the bars of his cell, yelling out mocking insults at the departing Batman.[1]

Formation of Task Force X[]

Not long after the death of Superman, Amanda Waller of A.R.G.U.S. planned to assemble Task Force X, composed of various incarcerated criminals and Metahumans, to serve as her expendable soldiers with exceptional powers, abilities, and skills to defend the world against superhuman threats. Her roster would include the lethal marksman Deadshot, rope assassin Slipknot, boomerang expert Captain Boomerang, monstrous Killer Croc, pyrokinetic El Diablo, and the criminal psychopath Harley Quinn, all of whom were imprisoned at Belle Reve. Waller travelled to Belle Reve with Colonel Rick Flag to inspect her candidates, including witnessing Deadshot's exceptional marksmanship at the Belle Reve shooting range.

Belle Reve

Bell Reve's name on a wall

After Task Force X successfully defeated Enchantress and Incubus at Midway City, the surviving members of Task Force X were sent back to Belle Reve with reduced prison sentences, and some received special requests, such as Harley Quinn receiving an espresso machine, Killer Croc receiving a television set with cable access, and Deadshot is allowed supervised visits with his daughter Zoe Lawton. However, Belle Reve was later infiltrated by the Joker and his goons and broke Harley Quinn out of jail.[2]

New Prisoners[]

In 2016, the egotistical vigilante known as Peacemaker was imprisoned by A.R.G.U.S. to a 30-year sentence in Belle Reve after murdering people in the name of peace.[3] Sometime later, more high-risk criminals were eventually imprisoned in Belle Reve, as Digger Harkness escaped from his cell and was wanted by the Gotham City Police Department.[4] Among the new prisoners, was Cleo Cazo who was caught after attempting to rob a bank, Robert DuBois was captured in Belle Reve after confronting and trying to kill Superman with a kryptonite bullet, Weasel was captured after being accused of killing 27 children, Abner Krill was sent to Belle Reve after ending his mother's life with his superhuman powers. The alien known as Mongal was imprisoned for various crimes against humanity such as mass murder, and the criminal Brian Durlin was convicted after committing vigilantism. Other criminals like Captain Boomerang or Harley Quinn were captured again and sent to Belle Reve. Other prisoners included Nanaue, Cory Pitzner, Richard Hertz, Gunter Braun, Double Down, Calendar Man, Karma, and Kaleidoscope, who were eventually captured at Belle Reve. At some point, the Belle Reve Federal Penitentiary was renamed to Belle Reve Correctional Center.[5]

Dirty Works[]

Bloodsport threatens Waller

Amanda Waller manipulates Bloodsport to accept the mission.

Amanda Waller was informed of the execution of the Herrera family in the Corto Maltese nation, running the risk that the new regime would release information linking the United States to Project Starfish. In response, she decided to re-recruit Task Force X made up of Belle Reve prisoners, Waller offered multiple prisoners the opportunity to reduce their 10 years of sentence in exchange for participating in the mission. Many of them accepted, so Waller divided them into 2 strike teams depending on their abilities, and nano-bombs were placed by Dr. Fitzgibbon to prevent them from escaping. Waller tried to personally contact Robert DuBois to convince him to join the squad after he declined, due to his leadership ability. DuBois initially resisted joining Task Force X, however Waller threatened him with his daughter who visited the prison after she was caught stealing a smartwatch, leaving DuBois with no other choice.[5]

TSS American flag

The first strike team prepares to leave Belle Reve.

As soon as DuBois accepted, Waller took him to meet his team, consisting of Nanaue, Cazo, Christopher Smith and Abner Krill, who were waiting in their cells for Waller to explain the mission to them. Amanda led them to a seating chamber where she would explain the situation to them, where DuBois estimated that they were all going to die, Krill then said that he hoped. Three days later, the first team led by Colonel Rick Flag prepared to leave Belle and to head towards Corto Maltese via the Sheba helicopter, Harley Quinn would have been late in arriving after having gone to the bathroom while her companions waited to leave. Once they traveled, Amanda Waller's team monitored the actions of Task Force X from the Belle Reve offices. Upon arrival the first team was brutally murdered leaving Flag and Quinn as the only survivors who managed to escape, this distraction gave way to the second team led by DuBois to enter the island.[5]

The squad rescued Flag and set out to capture Gaius Grieves to force them into Jotunheim, however the Corto Maltese Armed Forces tried to cut off the country's signals, causing Waller's team to lose communication in Belle Reve. After the Jotunheim base was destroyed, Corto Maltese's signal to Belle Reve was restored, so Amanda Waller contacted DuBois to tell him that the mission was completed by destroying the records, but freeing the beast Starro. Task Force X set out to stop the creature but Waller objected, causing her entire team to oppose it when she tried to explode DuBois' nano-bomb. Waller was knocked out by her assistant Flo Crawley, rendering the squad capable of kill Starro after a fight. Hours later, Waller woke up from his coma, making a deal with DuBois who threatened to publish the records uploaded to a server if she killed any member, finally the surviving Squad members were liberated from the charges by the DuBois deal, being freed from Belle Reve Prison. The Sheba helicopter sent by Waller would then come to the rescue to take them back to America.[5]

Peacemaker was rescued after nearly dying on the mission being sent to the Mount Rouge Health Center. After awakening from the coma, the agent Clemson Murn sent by Waller, offered him the opportunity to stay out of the Belle Reve prison in exchange for working for him. After betraying Amanda Waller, John Economos and Emilia Harcourt were relegated from their positions at Belle Reve and forced to work with Murn.[6] Eventually the team managed to complete the mission, so Economos decided to return to his work in Belle Reve.[7]






  • Lex Luthor - Imprisoned for orchestrating the US Capitol bombing (killing numerous people), and unleashing Doomsday, with the latter nearly bringing about an apocalypse, and resulting in the death of Superman. However, Lex was transferred from Belle Reve to Arkham Asylum, through the influence of Batman since Lex was declared insane and "unfit" for trial. Afterwhich, Lex escaped from Arkham.
  • Digger Harkness † - Was to serve 3 life sentences for his 98 cases of burglary (with him having robbed every bank in Australia at least twice). In 2020, a poster of him was shown in the Gotham City Police Department, implying that he might've been on the run again. Regardless, he was back in Belle Reve in 2020. Killed while carrying out his Task Force X mission in the field.
  • Chato Santana † - Committed to Belle Reve after killing multiple other inmates at a normal federal prison. Killed while carrying out his Task Force X mission in the field.
  • Richard Hertz † - After betraying Task Force X, Blackguard was shot in the face and killed.
  • Mongal † - Imprisoned for war crimes and other atrocities. Killed while carrying out her Task Force X mission in the field.
  • Brian Durlin † - Savant's neck-implanted nano-bomb was activated during a Task Force X mission in Corto Maltese.
  • Gunter Braun † - Javelin never returned to his Belle Reve cell after being killed during a Task Force X mission.
  • Cory Pitzner - Left for dead on a Corto Maltese beach, T.D.K. no longer resides in Belle Reve.
  • Weasel - Committed to Belle Reve after killing twenty-seven children. Presumed dead after apparently drowning while carrying out his Task Force X mission in the field, but actually survived.
  • Abner Krill † - Killed by Starro in Valle Del Mar.
  • Robert DuBois - Imprisoned for attempting to kill Superman with a kryptonite bullet. Blackmailed Amanda Waller for his freedom and that of his remaining Task Force X members.
  • Harleen Quinzel - Imprisoned for her numerous crimes committed with the help of her ex-boyfriend Joker. However, Harley was later freed by the Joker, who she thought was killed. Imprisoned again for road rage in a bank. Bloodsport then blackmailed Amanda Waller for his freedom and hers.
  • Nanaue - Once locked away in prison, King Shark was freed from Belle Reve when Bloodsport blackmailed Amanda Waller.
  • Cleo Cazo - Imprisoned for armed bank robbery and using rats as weapons. Bloodsport then blackmailed Amanda Waller for his freedom and hers.
  • Christopher Smith - Imprisoned for multiple counts of murder. Recruited into Task Force X. No longer resides in Belle Reve.


  • Belle Reve is a broken version of French for "sweet dreams".
  • Belle Reve is based on the DuBois Plantation from A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams.
  • Belle Reve's location was known only to Amanda Waller and her staff until Harley Quinn's breakout via the Joker, and now both know where it is.
  • In a deleted scene from the The Suicide Squad, Cleo is looking for a missing Nanaue, so she leaves Abner Krill with Milton and order him to keep an eye on Thinker. Trying intimidate him, Thinker reveals the reason why Krill is in Belle Reve: her mother was intentionally killed by Polka-Dot-Man, yet Abner says he thought she was gonna hurt him.



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