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"Somehow they're increasing the Earth's mass, clouding the atmosphere with particulates. Oh my god. They're terraforming."
"What's that?"
"Planetary engineering. Modifying the Earth's atmosphere and topography."
Dr. Hamilton and Carrie Farris[src]

Terraformation is the process of modifying and reshaping the environmental composition of a planet or other celestial body to make it habitable for life. Most humanoid life that engage in terraforming modify the world to meet criteria for their own species.


Invasion of Earth[]

Thousands of years ago, a young Darkseid attempted to conquer Earth in Sector 2814 during his crusade, but was forced to retreat after the forces of Earth, including the Old Gods and a Green Lantern successfully drove back Darkseid and his army of Parademons. After Darkseid lost the three Mother Boxes, Zeus entrusted them to the Amazons, Atlanteans, and Humans.[1]

Kryptonian expansion[]

"Long ago, in an era of expansion, our race spread throughout the stars seeking new worlds to settle upon. This scout ship was one of thousands launched into the void. We built outposts on other planets, using great machines to reshape environments to our needs. For 100,000 years, our civilization flourished, accomplishing wonders."
Liquid geo world engine

World Engines were used to terraform Kryptonian colonies for settlement.

In their era of expansion, thousands of worlds were colonized to spread Krypton's people throughout the stars. Explorer Guild pilots, such as Kara Zor-El, were trained extensively to learn how to survive in possible environmental conditions in preparation for their joining the Great Age of Exploration, as it was known then.[2]

After scouting planets for habitation, World Engines were sent in to reshape the planets' environments to fit the needs of Kryptonians, adding particulates into the atmosphere and changing the planets' gravitational poles as needed.[3]

Black Zero Event[]

"If Krypton lives again, what happens to Earth?"
"A foundation has to be built on something, Kal. Even your father recognized that."
Superman and General Dru-Zod[src]
Black Zero

The Black Zero working in tandem with a World Engine

33 years following the destruction of Krypton, war criminal and Sword of Rao leader General Dru-Zod attempted to terraform Earth, using a World Engine in tandem with the Black Zero prison frigate to create a New Krypton. The World Engine landed in the Indian Ocean, where it rebounded the gravitational beam from the Black Zero in Metropolis, filling the atmosphere with particulates. However, the attempt failed when Superman destroyed the World Engine.[3][4]

War for Earth[]

"No protectors here. No Lanterns. No Kryptonian. This world will fall - like all the others."
Steppenwolf, to Desaad[src]
Earth terraformed

The Mother Boxes terraforming Earth.

A year and a half after the death of Superman, the New God Steppenwolf was sent to Earth under the orders of Darkseid after his communion with Lex Luthor informed him that the world was entirely vulnerable, as Superman was dead, and no Green Lanterns were present to intervene. Steppenwolf devised a plan to unite the lost Mother Boxes on the planet, fusing them together to form the Unity, whose power he would then use to reshape the planet into one similar to Apokolips in Darkseid's name.

However, the Justice League, established shortly before his arrival, was preparing their assault on the New God. After his revival, Superman and Cyborg successfully separated the Mother Boxes, ending the threat of planetary annihilation, and slaying Steppenwolf.[1]

Alternate universes/timelines[]

Justice League[]

On the timeline where the events of Justice League take place, the way the Mother Boxes terraform Earth is a bit different. When they are in unity process, the sky around a big area turns red as many rays begin to appear, giving an apocalyptic look. Also, from the ground, several purple crystals begin to emerge from the ground. The Justice League managed to avoid terraforming by defeating Steppenwolf thanks to the help of Superman and with the latter together with Cyborg separating the mother boxes.[5]

Flashpoint Timeline[]

Black Zero Event[]

"The terraforming has begun. This world must die so that ours may live again."

Like on the original timeline, Zod would arrive to Earth with the rest of the Sword of Rao and would attempt to terraform Earth using the Black Zero and an World Engine. This time, the newly formed Justice League tried to stop him but they failed as Supergirl and Batman would die on battle. Soon, Flash realized that the Earth getting terraformed was an inevitable intersection that couldn't be changed and he would end up erasing the timeline, preventing the terraformation.[6]

