Last night, my friend Kath (of crepuscular fame) and I were flipping through some old photos of us at parties in our twenties, wearing short dresses and black tights.

“We didn’t appreciate how we looked when we were younger,” she said. “We were too busy lamenting.”

(Remember that Nora Ephron quote? “Oh, how I regret not having worn a bikini for the entire year I was 26.”)

She was right, we didn’t appreciate it then. But I was also thinking, we don’t appreciate it now! One day we will remember these days and wish we had.

After all, humans are beautiful. We have sparkling eyes and curved ears like little shells. We have graceful fingers and round bellies and two feet that carry us around. We have tattoos and lipstick and smiles and wheelchairs. And beauty only grows deeper with age. To me, the most luminous person in the world is a white-haired woman with wrinkled hands and watery eyes.

So, I’d love to ask: What do you love about the way you look? I’d say the crinkles around my eyes. (And if you’d like to send a snapshot to [email protected], we could even do a reader round-up:)

P.S. Wise words, home as a haven and what are you secretly good at?