Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

122 results arranged by date

Russia extends detention of journalist Alsu Kurmasheva for 2 months

New York, May 31, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists strongly denounced a Russian court’s Friday decision to extend the pretrial detention of U.S.-Russian journalist Alsu Kurmasheva until August 5 and called for her immediate release. “U.S.-Russian journalist Alsu Kurmasheva has spent more than seven months behind bars for no reason except her work, and she…

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Image of three journalists spliced together.

Pegasus spyware targeted exiled journalists from Russia, Latvia, Belarus, report finds

New York, May 30, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists is deeply troubled by a Thursday report by rights group Access Now and research organization Citizen Lab alleging that Pegasus spyware was used to surveil at least five journalists. The report, “Exiled, then spied on: Civil society in Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland targeted with Pegasus spyware,”…

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Russia bans Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty as ‘undesirable’

New York, February 21, 2024—Russian authorities must stop harassing U.S. Congress-funded broadcaster Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and cease obstructing the work of media outlets by labeling them as “undesirable,” the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. On Tuesday, the Russian Ministry of Justice added RFE/RL to its register of “undesirable” organizations after the Russian general…

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Russia extends detention of U.S.-Russia journalist Alsu Kurmasheva; CPJ calls for release

New York, February 1, 2023—The Committee to Protect Journalists condemned a Russian court’s decision on Thursday to extend the pretrial detention of U.S.-Russian journalist Alsu Kurmasheva until April 5, and called for her immediate release. “By extending the pretrial detention of journalist Alsu Kurmasheva, who has been held for over 100 days on ludicrous criminal…

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CPJ condemns Russia’s detention extension for US journalist Evan Gershkovich

New York, January 26, 2023—The Committee to Protect Journalists again calls on Russia to release U.S. journalist Evan Gershkovich following a court decision on Friday to extend his pretrial detention until March 30, 2024. “This umpteenth extension of Evan Gershkovich’s detention will bring to one year the time he will have spent behind bars simply…

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Makhabat Tajibek kyzy and office

Kyrgyzstan authorities raid news outlets and Temirov Live, arrest journalists

Stockholm, January 16, 2024 — Kyrgyz authorities should drop criminal investigations into privately owned news website and investigative outlet Temirov Live, release all detained current and former members of Temirov Live, and end their crackdown on the independent press, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. On Monday, officers from Kyrgyzstan’s State Committee for…

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Alsu Kurmasheva and Maria Ponomarenko

Russia brings new charges against jailed journalists Alsu Kurmasheva and Maria Ponomarenko, issues arrest warrant for exiled journalist Masha Gessen

Paris, December 14, 2023—Russian authorities must immediately release journalists Alsu Kurmasheva and Maria Ponomarenko, drop all charges against them, and stop harassing exiled members of the press, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. On Tuesday, the Telegram channel Baza and state news agency Tatar-Inform reported that Kurmasheva, a dual U.S.-Russian national and an editor…

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Rufat Muradli

Azerbaijani journalist Rufat Muradli sentenced to 30 days in jail

Stockholm, December 4, 2023—Azerbaijani authorities must release journalist Rufat Muradli and end their crackdown on the independent press, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Monday. On Saturday, police in Azerbaijan’s capital, Baku, arrested Muradli, a presenter for the popular online broadcaster Kanal 13, on charges of minor hooliganism and disobeying police orders. Later the same…

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Russia extends detention of US journalist Evan Gershkovich by 2 months

New York, November 28, 2023—The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns a Russian court’s decision on Tuesday to extend the pretrial detention of U.S. journalist Evan Gershkovich until January 30, 2024. “While the latest extension of the detention of U.S. journalist Evan Gershkovich—who has been wrongly detained in Russia for the past eight months—was expected, it…

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Apple warns Latvia-based journalists about possible hacker attacks

New York, September 15, 2023—The Committee to Protect Journalists on Friday issued an urgent call for authorities to investigate allegations that journalists working in Latvia were targeted by state-sponsored hackers. CPJ’s call follows reports on Thursday—a day after the disclosure that the phone of exiled Russian journalist Galina Timchenko had been infected by Pegasus spyware—that…

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