Democratic Republic of the Congo / Africa

Néhémie Paluku

Church members assault DRC journalists Néhémie Paluku and Esaïe Mbusa

Kinshasa, June 17, 2024—Authorities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo should ensure a credible investigation into the June 3 assaults on reporters Esaïe Mbusa and Néhémie Paluku, the Committee to Protect Journalists said on Monday. Around a dozen people assaulted Mbusa and Paluku at a local church in Mambasa territory, in the country’s northeast…

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Journalist Tatiana Osango assaulted after interview criticizing DRC president

Kinshasa, June 12, 2024—Authorities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo should impartially investigate the June 5 assault of broadcast journalist Tatiana Osango and ensure those responsible are held to account, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. Seven men used glass bottles to hit Osango, a reporter who presents a political program on the…

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In a video statement posted on May 15, 2024, the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s media regulator, the Superior Audiovisual and Communications Council, ordered the privately owned Bosolo TV station to suspend its “Bosolo Na Politik Officielle” program for a month. (Screenshot CSAC RDC/X)

DRC regulator suspends Bosolo TV program over election commentary

On May 15, 2024, the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s media regulator, the Superior Audiovisual and Communications Council, known by its French acronym CSAC, ordered the privately owned Bosolo TV station to suspend its “Bosolo Na Politik Officielle” program for a month, according to a CSAC video statement posted on X, formerly Twitter, and media reports. According to…

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Soldiers with the DRC military have made multiple death threats against journalist and Radio Communautaire Amkeni Biakato director Parfait Katoto. (Photo: Courtesy of Parfait Katoto)

DRC soldiers threaten to kill journalist Parfait Katoto over broadcasts

Kinshasa, May 15, 2024 – Congolese authorities should take swift and comprehensive actions to investigate all threats against journalist and Radio Communautaire Amkeni Biakato (RCAB) director Parfait Katoto, ensure his safety, and hold those responsible to account, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday.  On May 3, 2024, three armed soldiers with the DRC military arrived at…

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Authorities arrested journalist Blaise Mabala and accused him of insulting a provincial government official during his October 18, 2023, radio program. (Photo credit: Blaise Mabala)

DRC journalist Blaise Mabala freed after 4 months in jail over insult to governor

Kinshasa, May 10, 2024 — The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the acquittal and release of journalist Blaise Mabala after more than four months in detention and calls for authorities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to swiftly reform their laws to prevent the criminal prosecution of journalists for their work. “The acquittal and…

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Authorities arrested journalist Blaise Mabala and accused him of insulting a provincial government official during his October 18, 2023, radio program. (Photo credit: Blaise Mabala)

Prosecutor requests 15-month sentence for jailed DRC journalist Blaise Mabala

Kinshasa, April 22, 2024— Ahead of a court decision expected on Saturday in the prosecution of radio journalist Blaise Mabala, the Committee to Protect Journalist is alarmed that prosecutors in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have asked that he be sentenced to 15 months in prison and urges authorities to stop criminalizing the work…

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CPJ welcomes release of DRC journalist Stanis Bujakera, calls for release of Blaise Mabala

Kinshasa, March 19, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s release of journalist Stanis Bujakera Tshiamala, but is alarmed by his six-month prison sentence and fine of 1 million Congolese francs (US$400) and the ongoing detention of journalist Blaise Mabala, who has been in custody since December. After more than…

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Stanis Bujakera Tshiamala

Ahead of expected verdict, CPJ calls prosecution of DRC journalist Stanis Bujakera ‘outrageous’

New York, March 14, 2024—Ahead of an expected verdict in the prosecution of Congolese journalist Stanis Bujakera Tshiamala on March 20 and in light of recent testimony presented by the court’s technical expert on March 8, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement on Thursday. “The prosecution of journalist Stanis Bujakera has been…

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Masand Mafuta

DRC police detain journalist Masand Mafuta, slap him, seize equipment and money

Kinshasa, February 28, 2024—Authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) must hold accountable the police officers who arrested and then assaulted journalist Masand Mafuta, and ensure his belongings are returned, the Committee for the Protection of Journalists said on Wednesday. On February 23, at least six police officers in the capital, Kinshasa, detained Masand,…

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Journalist Lucien Lyenda's face became swollen after soldiers hit him with rifle butts as he was reporting on a demonstration about insecurity in the southeastern town of Kirungu in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

DRC journalist Lucien Lyenda attacked by armed forces while covering protest

Kinshasa, February 27, 2024—Authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) must investigate and hold accountable the soldiers who attacked journalist Lucien Lyenda while he covered a demonstration against insecurity in the country’s southeastern Tanganyika province, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. On Sunday, three DRC armed forces soldiers attacked Lyenda, a reporter for…

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