
Mon Jul 1 2024 08:36:25 PDT
  • Alias: %s
  • Summary: %s
  • Whiteboard: %s
  • Crash Signature: %s
  • Classification: (is not equal to) Graveyard

16 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1016700 Persona shows "%s" on register and validation with a unrecognized service Cloud Services Server: Identity nobody UNCO --- 2015-01-28
1374356 Keyword substitution with %s doesn't escape characters in javascript: URIs SeaMonkey Bookmarks & History nobody UNCO --- 2017-06-19
1823362 Adding attachment from cloud by drag and drop fails with error alert (There was an error attaching %S.), but attaching via dialog works. Thunderbird OS Integration nobody UNCO --- 2023-07-31
453120 With no parameter, parameter-accepting keyword item in awesomebar has the keyword itself substituted for %s Toolkit Places nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
1600541 "%%%s" in SOURCE doesn't allow different drive Firefox Build System General nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
486953 IMAP folders always appearing empty - response "S-INBOX:PARSER:Internal Syntax Error: %s:: no atom characters found" to QUOTAROOT command MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
252209 %s in keyword replacements encodes special characters as URL instead of as POST SeaMonkey Bookmarks & History nobody NEW --- 2012-09-23
461293 IMAP log reports "PARSER:Internal Syntax Error on line: %s:" MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
476833 "%s" should be added in plural-form messages Toolkit Downloads API nobody NEW --- 2023-01-10
947347 L10N string "Cancel %S Downloads" needs pluralization Toolkit Downloads API nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1174457 SpiderMonkey build logs always contain "ValueError: time data '' does not match format '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' " Firefox Build System General nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1401255 Unrecognized flag in mozconfig will trigger backtrace with "raise InvalidOptionError('Unknown option: %s' % without_value)" python backtrace, before the actual useful error message Firefox Build System General nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
360266 (option to) use ISO8601 for mailnews.reply_header_ondate %s MailNews Core Internationalization ch.ey ASSI --- 2022-10-10
1500266 Intermittent raise ADBTimeoutError("%s" % adb_process) Testing General nobody REOP --- 23:17:40
1310666 The second %s in Alias Search is not expanded to search term for User Search Engines Firefox Search nobody REOP --- 2024-04-25
1333445 Confusing error reported by compare-locales when switching position for %d and %s (debugger.properties) Localization Infrast compare-locales nobody REOP --- 2019-04-03
16 bugs found.