March 07, 2024
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  • Chairman Arrington, Speaker Johnson Release Statements After Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Resolution Passes out of Committee

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) released the following statement lauding the passage of the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2025:

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    “Tonight, the president will read words from a teleprompter, but today House Republicans took action to revive the fiscal state of the union. Words are cheap – it’s actions that matter. And today Republicans acted to address Democrats’ reckless spending and Biden’s failed economic policies.

    “We advanced a 10-year balanced budget out of Committee that:

    • Rightsizes the bloated bureaucracy
    • Reverses Biden’s spending spree
    • Reins in runaway mandatory spending
    • Roots out waste and fraud in entitlement programs, and,
    • Reignites growth and prosperity.

    We are determined to show America what the path to balance looks like, and will continue to work to reverse the curse of our nation’s debt crisis and fix our broken budget process.”   

    Speaker Johnson also released the following statement lauding the Committee’s Budget Resolution:

    “At a time when the state of our union is in sharp decline, President Biden has proven he is unwilling to make the tough decisions to confront the reality of our nation’s unbalanced budget and weak economy. The reckless spending and economic damage done by this Administration and years of Democrats’ control has increased everyday costs for the American people.

    “We commend the early action taken by Chairman Arrington to release the House’s budget plan for Fiscal Year 2025 ahead of the President’s budget proposal. The House’s budget blueprint reflects the values of hard-working Americans who know that in tough economic times, you don't spend what you don't have — our federal government must do the same.

    “House Republicans have been long sounding the alarm on the fiscal challenges facing our nation and this budget plan takes steps to put the nation on the track to fiscal sanity.”

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    Click HERE for the legislative text of the FY25 Budget Resolution.
    Click HERE for the executive summary of the Budget Resolution.
    Click HERE to see Chairman Arrington’s opening remarks. 
    Click HERE to watch the House Budget Committee’s entire markup.

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