He/Him, Queer NB Pizza Delivery Witch who also writes sometimes, old enough to run for president, every original fiction story I write is under a creative commons sharealike license unless otherwise stated

7th May 2019

Post with 1,652 notes

Tumblr Fic Masterpost

As a note, all of my ficlets are to be considered written under the creative commons sharealike license, which is viewable here, but the answer to your question is: yes, so long as you credit me and license that work under the same terms.

Fic based on this prompt:  It’s 3 AM and you are heading to the kitchen to consume the shredded cheese as usual. Unusually, a wizard in full robes is there, already eating the cheese. (Published January 24 2019)

Fic based on this prompt:  The strongest warlock in all the land uses his power to constantly kidnap the princess. Most people believe it’s because he’s in love with her, but they have it all wrong. He’s in love with the knight who always comes to save her. (Published March 18 2019)

Fic based on this prompt:  You drop a small piece of food on the floor, and decide to kick it under the oven/couch/whatever because you can’t be bothered to pick it up. As you’re walking away, you hear a very quiet “Thank you!” from under it. (Published April 3 2019)

Fic based on this prompt: You’re a witch who makes a living selling potions, breaking hexes, etc. You seem like a regular shopkeep, but, if someone can give you the correct code-word, they can buy illegal love potions from your store, instantly making the recipiant fall madly in love with the customer…Or at least that’s what would happen if you hadn’t started partnering with the FBI soon after you opened the store. Write about your first sting. [Please note that this fic starts with a trigger warning about the topics of consent, more detailed at the link. I’ll happily answer questions about it if you need to know more before reading.] (Published April 11 2019)

Fic based on this prompt:  Explain how you try to calm down a newly turned vampire who was beyond pissed and ready to throw down at the vampire who turned them into a vampire because now they can’t eat their precious garlic bread anymore. (Published April 22 2019)

Fic based on this prompt:  After beating the hero near death, the villain is finally told that the hero isn’t even 18 yet. Now the villain is taking the hero to go fight the gods who had sent him, looking to stop them from endangering kids for their own benefit. (Published April 30 2019)

Fic based on this prompt:  You are back in your hometown for the weekend, and run into your long lost love. You are both happily in a relationship now but while you sit for a coffee and laugh about the old times, he suddenly gets very serious and says “it’s still you, you know? The person I see by my side, at the end of the day”. And your heart stops. (Published May 23 2019)

Fic based on this prompt:  You live with a Vampire. Every Saturday, you give them a cup of your blood, and they cook you a nice meal. (Published September 9 2019)

Fic based on this prompt: “Would you die for me?”“Again?” (Published October 7 2019)

Fic based on this prompt:  You’d known, intellectually, that your heroic nemesis was a teenager, but it didn’t really sink in until the day their school called because your number was the only one on their emergency contact list. (Published March 20 2020)

Fic based on this prompt: You are a human in world were all of the cryptic creatures you’ve ever known are real, every year there is a reunion where all of the local cryptics reunite and have a chance to talk with the humans.This year for some reason you received an invitation to be the host of the ceremony, however, this is a position that only cryptids can have. Your neighbors all have the same invitations, that’s were you notice, you are the only human in a neighborhood of shape-shifters. (Published April 15, 2020)

Fic based on this prompt: You are the completely ordinary secretary to a team of superheroes, and the only person who knows their secret identities, hideouts, etc. What happens when the supervillains find out about you? (Published August 24, 2020)

Fic based on this prompt: You’re a daycare worker, watching over toddlers, when the imminent end of the world is announced. It becomes increasingly clear none of the kids’ parents are going to show up as the end inches nearer. (Published October 27, 2020)

Fic based on this prompt: You’re a mimic. You were disguised as a chair in a dungeon when an adventurer decided to take you as loot. You’ve actually enjoyed your life ever since as furniture in a jolly tavern. So when some ruffians try to rob the now-elderly adventurer’s business, you finally reveal yourself. (Published October 20, 2021)

Fic based on this prompt: After a bad crash you’ve found yourself drifting through space, but your suit says you ran out of oxygen an hour ago. (Published June 30, 2022.)

Unprompted fic: Time Travel and YOU -This fic is a short, informative pamphlet from Tempus, Inc regarding your selection to their lucrative and fascinating and only somewhat dangerous time travel program. There are some mentions of horrific injuries, but nothing described in detail. (Published July 12, 2022)

Fic based on this prompt: You’ve just joined an adventuring party. The rogue wordlessly gives you a handkerchief and slinks away. “Ah, it’s his way of handling his kleptomania. Instead of stealing things at random, he’ll be going specifically for that.” (Published February 13, 2023) (I accidentally genderswapped the rogue.)

Fic based on this prompt: After watching the world end thousands of times across multiple timelines, you realise the only way to prevent Armageddon is to stop yourself being born. You vow to let world end in the most ridiculous way possible, because screw that. (Published July 27, 2023)

Fic based on this prompt: You were the caretaker for the mythical beasts of the royal family. Yesterday they decided to replace you with some incompetent noble, before kicking you out of the castle. You then spent the night in a nearby forest. However today you were awakened by the beasts who chose to follow you.  (Published April 16, 2024)

related stuff:

@jeannesreading did a wonderful audio rendition of The Strongest Warlock (for real y’all should check it out)

also of course @phinnsyreads​ put together an amazing audio rendition of The Thing Under the Fridge

@phinnsyreads also did the Society for Cryptids in the Earthly Plane

(ETA: If you’ve done an audio version of one of my stories, because there’s been a lot, please throw a link in the replies. I’ll eventually get around to putting them up here and people can check and find them before I do, or I might do a separate master post for that. :D 07/27/23)

Wanna Support Me?

If you want to help a guy out, you can head over to my ko-fi (also big thanks to everybody who’s ever helped out, you guys are amazing)

I also have a venmo that shares a username with my tumblr.

I still have a Patreon, I plan on refitting it for longer form pieces that are less suited to tumblr. Not doing much with it at the moment, because in these pandemic times I don’t wanna put anything behind a paywall, but if you want to support me a little bit on a recurring basis, that’d be the place to do it. (ETA: I think now you can also do that on ko-fi! 07/27/23)

I’m eventually going to finish the novel I started on it, but in all honesty I wrote myself into a corner on that one and need to figure out what I’m going to do next. It’s all still up and it’s public and free, and if anybody wants to give me some feedback, it’s there. (ETA: This is backburnered for a project I’ve been working on for a few years now that I think I’m nearly ready to start talking about publicly. 07/27/23)

If you can’t help me out financially, I totally understand, the other way to support me is to reblog it so that others can see it.

Tagged: fictionprompted writingmasterpostficlet

3rd July 2024

Post reblogged from Lynati's Tumblr with 731 notes



Texas doesn’t have mail in voting, you can’t register to vote online, and you have to register 30 days before election day.

Republicans do not want you to vote. SPITE THEM.

Even if you are registered to vote CHECK IF YOUR INFORMATION IS UP TO DATE

3rd July 2024

Question reblogged from Knit Me A Pony: Status Message Here with 16,447 notes

logarithmicpanda asked:

How did you train your cats to not wake you up?



By rolling over and stubbornly feigning sleep if they did.

Their brains are little cause-effect engines. If standing next to your face and yelling until you feed them doesn’t actually produce that result, they’ll eventually stop doing it. You just have to outlast them.


So, we tried doing this with a cat we were looking after. We would not get up until the alarm clock went off.

One morning, he was standing by my head and screaming, but not in my ear. I looked up and saw that he had his little face one inch from the alarm clock. Because we only woke up when the alarm clock went off, he decided that it was the alarm clock that he needed to scream at until it woke up.

Tagged: gif warningtw: gifqueue unending

3rd July 2024

Post reblogged from Shinga with 61,006 notes


Texts that read, "Is there anything I can do?" and "Want me to get you with the gun?"ALT

Forgot that we had a deep tissue massage gun and thought my partner was offering to hunt me for sport to cheer me up last night.

Tagged: queue unending

3rd July 2024

Post reblogged from tamaro with 12,364 notes



Tagged: gif warningtw: gifqueue unending*sniff sniff sniff**sniffffff*

3rd July 2024

Post reblogged from Toward an Indeterminate Absolution. Together. with 2,842 notes


We can’t find D. B. Cooper bc he bounced up into a different plane

Tagged: queue unending

3rd July 2024

Post reblogged from martian witch with 263 notes















Hello, my name is Bix, and I’m a queer and disabled writer. You’ve probably read something I wrote and don’t realize it (or maybe you do!). My most recent story is here and my masterpost is here, where you can find all my writing. I can’t work, unfortunately, so I’m asking if you’ve got a little bit of money to spare so I can pay my rent, bills, and get some food and stuff. If you don’t, please don’t sweat it- times are rough for everybody, I understand, but it’s really helpful if you were to reblog this for me.

my ko-fi is here if you do have some spare change to help me out














Tagged: signal boost please

3rd July 2024

Post reblogged from DericBindel Is Confused And Tired with 4,734 notes




Frankly, the weirdest thing about Columbo from the perspective of modern network television isn’t the narrative structure – it’s the episode length. I’m checking Wikipedia right now to make sure I’m remembering this correctly, and apparently episodes of Columbo range from 73 to 98 minutes in length. Like, the shortest episodes of Columbo are on par with the longest episodes of Game of Thrones. The minimum length to be classified as a “feature film” is 80 minutes, so 50% of the episodes are technically movies. Including commercial breaks for broadcast television, this show would have originally aired in a two-hour timeslot. When folks remark on how weird it is that Columbo himself often doesn’t even show up until the second act, you need to understand that what we’re talking about is a show where the title character is often first strolling on screen thirty-five minutes in.

I like to think the reason Peter Falk often looks so beat to shit isn’t the makeup department’s doing, it’s just what happens to you when you’re starring in eight feature films per year for the third year in a row.

I think something that people don’t realize is that Columbo was made as and aired as part of a “made for TV movie” block, and was part of a rotation of a couple different shows, most of which have not had the same lasting power or recent resurgence of Columbo. My mom remembered watching and enjoying a different seires that was part of the NBC mystery movie block, a show called “McMillian & Wife”, where the wife of a detective helps him solve mysteries!

Tagged: yeah Columbo wasn't a traditional tv show that's why it could be fairly bonkersI do wonder why it had the staying power it didthe strange format and framing? Peter Falk? Columbo just being in general a memorable little weirdo (affectionate)?the guest stars getting to be the feature of the episode and it working? how long the show went on?or did it go on for so long because of how good and weird and different it was from everything else?btw the first episode was aired in Feb of 1968 and the last one was aired in January of 2003!!!!!from 1990 - 2003 there were 14 new Columboswhich isn't a lot for television but that's a lot for movies!also total number of Columbos? 69nicebut also that's 69 feature length or nearly feature length movies in 35 years! yeah no wonder Peter Falk always looked tiredhe was 41 when he started being Columbo! he was 76 when he stopped being Columbo!well when he stopped making new Columbos guy was Columbo so long he's always gonna be ColumboI cried when he passed away83 is a grand old age to make it to but still Columbo was a big part of my childhood tbh

2nd July 2024

Post reblogged from benevolent vandal with 31,019 notes


flip the rock to see what’s under it!


(make sure you put it back after, don’t want to disturb the wildlife.)

Tagged: queue unending

2nd July 2024

Post reblogged from Hellen Highwater with 619 notes


Hmm. Talked to much about Lake Superior and now I’ve been listening to Sleep Token all day.

These are related topics. Anyway here’s a picture of Superior, the calmest I’ve ever seen her, at dawn in October. That’s not filtered, she’s just very dark sometimes.


Tagged: queue unending

2nd July 2024

Post reblogged from martian witch with 263 notes















Hello, my name is Bix, and I’m a queer and disabled writer. You’ve probably read something I wrote and don’t realize it (or maybe you do!). My most recent story is here and my masterpost is here, where you can find all my writing. I can’t work, unfortunately, so I’m asking if you’ve got a little bit of money to spare so I can pay my rent, bills, and get some food and stuff. If you don’t, please don’t sweat it- times are rough for everybody, I understand, but it’s really helpful if you were to reblog this for me.

my ko-fi is here if you do have some spare change to help me out














Tagged: signal boost please