AARP Logo AARP BankSafe Training


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How the Training Works: What you Need to Know

The BankSafe training is a secure, online platform currently available at no cost to banks, credit unions and investment firms located within the United States.

While the core curriculum, training features and registration process are consistent across all BankSafe courses, the platform has a separate training for banks, credit unions and investment firms. Each training has been tailored to use terminology and scenarios that are applicable to each type of organization.

Five modules take employees through interactive scenarios, videos and quizzes to gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to stop financial exploitation. Modules include:

  • Understanding Exploitation
  • Spotting Red Flags
  • Stand Up and Speak Out
  • Reporting and Activating a Network of Support
  • Putting It All Together
Each of your employees will have an individual training account. This allows them to take the training at their own pace. The training can be completed all at once or over multiple sessions, so employees can easily fit it into busy schedules. In total, the training should take about 30-minutes to complete.

Employees who successfully pass the training will receive an official AARP BankSafe certificate to display.

Your employees will also have access to a library of tip sheets, videos, resources and guides including state-specific reporting requirements, resource agencies and more.

You, or someone in your financial organization, will act as the administrator of the training. As an administrator, you can securely monitor employees’ progress, track performance, add or remove employees from the training and control additional administrative privileges of managers and supervisors.

Administrators have access to BankSafe’s full suite of reporting tools, allowing you to tailor targeted follow up trainings or education sessions on specific skills or issues with which employees are struggling. Reporting data may also be downloaded and printed for use in coordination with regulators.

Administrators will need to create a separate user account to take the training and access employee resources.

As part of the BankSafe program, financial organizations can apply to have AARP verify that at least 80% of their frontline staff successfully passed the BankSafe training and confirm that they have a financial-exploitation escalation reporting policy. Qualifying banks, credit unions and investment firms in good standing can apply to receive a seal from AARP, good for one year, recognizing their commitment to fighting exploitation.

Program benefits for financial organizations:

  • Display the BankSafe Trained Seal on a highly-visible page of their website (e.g. homepage, news, honors)
  • Be recognized in an AARP news release
  • Use the BankSafe Trained Seal in social media communications
  • Have their organizations name showcased on AARP’s website

  • To register for the BankSafe training, simply complete the secure sign-up form at the bottom of this page. AARP will review the information to approve your organization. Upon approval, you will receive a confirmation email.
  • To create accounts for your users, you’ll upload email addresses for your employees and they will receive an email from BankSafe to activate their account.
BankSafe is designed to not require any coordination with your IT team. However, working with your IT team to “whitelist’ the BankSafe training site may help avoid any difficulties in access the platform. In the event that your IT team would like to review the technical specifications for the training, they can do so here.

Complete the sign up form on the bottom of this page to get started.

Sign Up For AARP BankSafe

Complete all fields on the secure form below to sign up for the AARP BankSafe training. This information will help us review your organization’s application to assess the reach and impact of the training. All fields are required.
If you have any questions about the sign-up process or accessing the AARP BankSafe course, please contact the Support Team by email at [email protected] or by phone at (800) 216-4910.


Thank you for signing up for the AARP BankSafe training!

AARP will review the information you provided and follow up via email within 2 business days with directions on next steps for your account.

You can learn more about AARP's BankSafe initiative by going to