So I’ve started writing again. If you’d like to take a look please feel free! If you have any suggestions, including songs, please let me know!


Make deals with the devil while you’re still a child. Contracts signed by minors aren’t legally binding and if satan tries to take your soul he can be prosecuted. Enjoy your perfect grades and lifetime supply of chocolate.





men took my little pony away from us girls so us teen girls are takin pro wrestling fuck yall just try n stop us


have fun fetishizing the shit out of *real life* celebrities. it actually makes the people who sexualize the shit out of children’s cartoons seem normal.

did you just imply being attracted to actual real human males isn’t normal but wanting to fuck cartoon horses is

I need to reblog this again because it still makes me laugh



I remember all the Doctor Who fanfics I used to read where Rose often got badly stereotyped as a damsel in distress whom the Doctor had to swoop in and save and smooch but the way I remember Doctor Who 90% of their relationship was the Doctor just setting Rose loose on people who had done something to offend them and sitting back giggling in the corner as she shouted




“setting Rose loose”


u guys JD from heathers sounds just like the evil jimmy clone from that clone ep of jimmy neutron

“ lizcoshow:
“ princeowl:
“ basketballhoopshowerhead:
“ im screaming at this list of sayings my dad made up??
these read like a list of bill’s fuck ups, followed by his ultimate demise
Done naming babies is...


I love how cabbage clare intended to make simon lewis a typical Straight White Boy™ but somehow managed to make one of the most obviously not straight characters in the series, like 90% of his interactions in the books are gay af like he spends pages complaining about how handsome some boys are and agrees when alec complains about The Straights™ and now he is our beautiful latino pansexual prince and I’m laughing bc that was literally the complete opposite of her intentions i feel so blessed

“ auriion:
“ Shout out to non-uk citizens that are signing the second referendum petition.
Please, please for the love of god, do not do it. You all mean well but this is hurting the petition rather than helping, please signal boost this...




like there is a point i’m making by not tagging spoilers for Poussey’s death, people.

the fact that 99% of the outrage surrounding this latest on-screen death is about spoiler warnings instead of about what actually happened is very relevant to this conversation.

the fact that the outrage for the very brutal and racialized way she was murdered is so much smaller than people being mad they know about it too soon to enjoy seeing it themselves? that’s important. that says something about the way we think about these things.

and the fact that this “spoilers!” outrage wasn’t there when we all knew within minutes when other high-profile tv deaths happened in April? that’s important too. that says something about who is more important than spoilers - and who is not.

I saw multiple complaints about spoilers before I saw even a whisper of what had happened. In April, I don’t think I saw a single complaint about spoilers. In April, 80% of the LGBT characters who died were women of colour, but the most high-profile case was a white woman. How many WOC can you name from the April Massacre? Because they were the bulk of it.

Now a black lesbian dies on TV in a particularly brutal way at a particularly cruel time and people are suddenly worried about not being able to properly enjoy her death.

That’s relevant. Our reactions are relevant to this conversation, because the cultural attitudes that create media like this are not mysteriously absent from the fandom that consumes it.

Hey, thatdiabolicalfeminist:

Where was this level of outrage when tumblr was talking about the seven gay men killed at a gay club in Mexico?

Whether someone shows more distress over the death of real people or fictional people says a lot about their intentions in criticizing those deaths. Particularly in regards to social justice. When you care about fictional deaths more than real ones, you know what that says? That says you only blog about social justice issues to get followers, and to get people to pat you on the back, and you don’t really give a shit about LGBT people.

And lemme give you a heads up: a big part of OITNB’s consumer base? LGBT women. Those are the people you are spoiling it for, and those are the people bitching to you about it. 

Sorry for the harshness, but ever since the Orlando massacre, I don’t put up with homophobic bullshit anymore.

You know just because someone doesn’t reblog something doesn’t mean they don’t care about it? Maybe just maybe it’s this weird phenomenon of people not fucking hearing about it. Like it’s really tiring that the first thing people jump to is “you didn’t talk about this you don’t give a shit” when the simply truth is a lot of this stuff didn’t cross our dash.

Like I’m pretty sure we didn’t put that on our blog. Are you gonna come over here and accuse us/me of not caring about LGBTQ people? Are you gonna accuse me a black non binary polyamorous bisexual of not caring about LGBTQ people because I didn’t see anything about it and therefore didn’t reblog/talk about it?

Who gives three fucks if the people bitching about spoilers are LGBTQ women?? That changes NOTHING. As if LGBTQ women can’t be racist. It more important to spoil this for people rather than BLACK queer women walk into this unknowingly and be triggered by it.

There was no homophbic bullshit to put up with so your harshness was not needed at all.

ALSO FUCK YOUR TAGS. “Actual homophobia” are you kidding?

mod v

  • Heroine: *on top of the Villain Lady holding her down* You are defeated
  • Villain Lady: you forgot about my secret weapon
  • Villain Lady: it can only be defused by kissing me on the mouth
  • Heroine: ...
  • Heroine: you know you could've just asked me out instead of taking over this city
  • Villain Lady: I'M AWKWARD OK?
  • Me Before You Would Have Killed Me


    I’ll make you all a deal. This will be one of the last posts that I make on the matter. But you all need to signal boost this. This one needs to be heard by everyone. 


    I’m at a really good place in my life right now. I just turned 22. I just finished my fourth year of college with a 3.7 GPA, I moved into my first apartment, I’m doing an awesome internship, I’m doing a ton of advocacy work. I’m genuinely happy.

    I’m at a really great place.

    I wasn’t always.

    I’ve been disabled all my life but about ten years ago, I walked into an operating room and came out in a wheelchair. (Well, technically I came out on a stretcher, but you get the point.)

    And it took me a while to realize that my life was completely different. In fact, it wasn’t until about three years later, when I was about fifteen, that I really realized it. I don’t know if I was in shock all that time, if I was numb, if the medications that I was on limited any conscious thought, let alone emotion. But it was around the age of fifteen that everything came crashing down and I fell apart. I became extremely depressed. And let me tell you, no matter how hard you try, you never forget that feeling. It’s one of the worst feelings in the world. Depression is like being in a room where everything is pitch black. And people are screaming at you to turn on the light switch, but you can’t find it, you can’t see it, even though everyone else seems to know exactly where it is, you’re completely lost in this dark room with no way out. Depression is horrible. I would never wish it on my worst enemy. Even now, there are days when I struggle, though those days are nowhere as bad as the weeks, months, that I battled depression as a teenager. As a fifteen-year-old, too weak to put up a fight.

    Now, I should mention that I never tried anything.

    But believe me when I say that I know what it’s like to want to.

    And believe me when I say that if you built a time machine, if you took Jojo Moyes’ infamous book, if you sent it back to 2009, and if fifteen-year-old me had read it…

    I probably wouldn’t be here right now.

    I’d be dead.

    I would have lost my battle.

    Because I would have picked up a book wherein the main character kills themselves because they think that their life isn’t worth living now that they’re disabled.

    And I would have related all too well, and I would have done something that’s genuinely terrifying to think about. I know I would have. I was not in a good place at that time, I was not strong, and while I did survive, it wouldn’t have taken much for the scales to tip in the other direction.

    And I keep going into the Me Before You tags on different websites and I keep seeing teenagers who are in the same place that I once was, who are saying that they were sobbing in the movie theaters because they didn’t expect the ending and they genuinely don’t know what to do.

    I would have been one of those teenagers.

    I dodged a bullet.


    And I know that the author probably didn’t mean for any of this to happen, she didn’t expect the huge backlash from the disabled community, she didn’t expect a very tired college student to be revealing something very personal at 1:06 AM.

    She just wanted to tell a story.

    I can respect that.

    I read an interview a few days ago where she talked about how she had seen a few debates over assisted suicide and she felt compelled to write a story, to give a perspective, to give a voice.

    And whether she meant to or not, that voice is a single mantra:

    “It’s okay to die.”

    And I keep seeing people defend the book, defend the author, defend that voice, by saying that it’s just one perspective, it’s just one voice.

    But it’s not.

    It’s not okay.

    And it’s not just one voice.

    You see, we didn’t need Jojo Moyes to be that voice. She thinks we did. But we didn’t.

    We hear that voice every single day.

    We hear that voice every single day.

    Every single day.

    We hear people talking about how it’s okay for the disabled to die.

    Every. Single. Day.

    (Note: I was actually going to make this a video but at this point, I started crying and couldn’t finish, so I’m typing it all out instead.)

    And we hear our own inner voice, whispering to us at night, urging us that it’s okay to die.

    We hear the voices. We hear them. We hear them every single day. The voices that say that it’s okay to die.

    We hear them.

    I heard them when I was fifteen. I heard them loud and clear. And I believed them. And had I read Me Before You, it would have been the voice to break the camel’s back. It would have been the voice that I listened to.

    This book would have killed me.

    This book is going to end up killing someone else.

    And I don’t think Jojo Moyes understands, I don’t think that the abled community understands, I think they have the privilege of not understanding just how loud that voice can be and how damaging that voice can be. They don’t hear those voices every day.

    But we do.

    Whether we want to or not.

    And you know what?

    For the amount of people who say, “It’s okay to die.” there are very few people out there who say, “It’s okay to live.”

    They’re the voices that we need to hear. They’re the voices that are so few and far between.

    And I’m here tonight to try to be one of those voices.

    For those of you who are constantly hearing the various voices that are telling you that it’s okay to die, please, please know that those voices are lying to you. I know that it’s hard. I know what it’s like to be in that dark room. I also know what it’s like to open the door and to escape.

    And I know there are others that have escaped as well. And now, we have to help the others who haven’t. We have to help the others who keep hearing these voices. We have to put an end to them.

    Boycott the voice.

    Boycott the author.

    Boycott the book.

    Boycott the movie.

    Boycott Me Before You.

    Signal Boost!








    an LGBTQ coffee shop called lesBean

    Or a regular fucking coffee shop because that would be discrimination.

    chill bro it’s a fucking pun

    Cishets want to be oppressed so bad.


    “haha it would be funny if there was an lgbt coffee shop called lesBean, get it, because coffee is made of beans and lesbians are made of gay,” said the blogger, as a joke

    “DISCRIMINATION,” cry the hoards of contrary tumblr users, eager to express their violent disagreement with this harmless pun. everyone who’s ever been to a gay bar, pride event, or lgbtq organization frowns in confusion; it’s not like they prohibit straight people from entering. anyone can go to these places, they are just lgbtq-centric.

    “DISCRIMINATION AT ITS FINEST, THIS IS PURE HATRED,” cry the masses, who have no idea what the word ‘discrimination’ means. roughly five million bees are stuffed inside their assholes. tragic.

    I mean, I agree you don’t beat discrimination with more discrimination but what the fuck is discriminatory about a fucking coffee shop called ‘lesBean’ WTF?! WTTTTTFFFFFF?!?!?!












    So NOT surprised by this! We all knew that this one was rigged from the beginning. Millions of votes NOT being counted should make everyone in this country furious!

    Tell me again why people don’t trust or believe HRC/DNC

    So not just a hundred thousand after all? Debbie Wasserman-Schultz needs to be fired and then indicted.

    At least 3 counties FLIPPED so far. LA county is said to have 2 to 1 voting for Bernie in uncounted ballots. And there is a lawsuit alleging voting FRAUD filed in Ohio for starters. More to come.

    Reblogging for added comments

    Holy fucking shit batman

    Fuckin lol

    “You have to vote because nothing will ever get better if you don’t!”

    *finds all the votes in the trash*



    Is this real/what does it mean