
Jason Aidoo
Vice President Business Strategy and Operations
Michael McCray
Senior Editor, News
Brittany Grant
Director, Audience Development and Insights
Sabrina Clarke
Manager, Events, Business Operations

Culture & Enterprise

Britni Danielle
Senior Editor
John Gotty
Senior Editor
Anna Gramling
Associate Editor
Dwayne Bray
Senior Writer
Kelley L. Carter
Senior Entertainment Writer
David Dennis Jr.
Senior Writer
Aaron Dodson
Senior Writer
Lonnae O’Neal
Senior Writer
Justin Tinsley
Senior Culture Writer
Jesse Washington
Senior Writer
Channing Hargrove
Senior Writer


Erik Horne
Senior Editor
Jerry Bembry
Senior Sports Writer
Domonique Foxworth
Senior Sports Writer
Martenzie Johnson
Senior Writer
Jason Reid
Senior NFL Writer
Marc J. Spears
Senior NBA Writer
Clinton Yates
Senior Columnist
Sean Hurd

HBCU & Rhoden Fellows

William C. Rhoden
Rhoden Fellows Founder, Contributing Columnist
Tasha Stewart
Senior Editor
Mia Berry
Senior HBCU Writer
Kimberly Jarvis
General Editor, Rhoden Fellows Coordinator

Copy Editing

Karin Berry
General Editor

Video & Production

Brandon Meyer
Senior Video Editor
Salim Moore
Production Coordinator

Social Media

Marcus Matthews
Senior Manager, Social Content
Sheila Matthews
Digital Social Producer
Cayla Sweazie
Digital Social Producer


Rami Moghadam
Creative Lead
Beth Stojkov
Art Director
Ashley Melfi
Manager, Special Projects and Product