Fig. 5.
Whole-brain fMRI analysis for the retaliatory > non-retaliatory aggression contrast in which red voxels represent neural activity regressed onto retaliatory aggression scores and blue voxels represent overlap with the main effect of trial type. Clusters that are specific to the regression analysis are depicted in both a (A) sagittal view demonstrating an MPFC cluster and a (B) coronal view depicting a cluster in the left NAcc.

Whole-brain fMRI analysis for the retaliatory > non-retaliatory aggression contrast in which red voxels represent neural activity regressed onto retaliatory aggression scores and blue voxels represent overlap with the main effect of trial type. Clusters that are specific to the regression analysis are depicted in both a (A) sagittal view demonstrating an MPFC cluster and a (B) coronal view depicting a cluster in the left NAcc.

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