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The First Week of Sam Bankman-Fried’s Criminal Trial

The initial days set up the question at the heart of the case: Is the crypto mogul a fraudster, or did he simply lose control of a company that grew too fast?

The F.T.C. Finally Takes On Amazon

The government has filed a long-awaited antitrust suit against the company, which controls a sweeping share of the U.S.’s online-shopping market. What will it accomplish?

A Setback in the F.T.C.’s Fight Against Big Tech

The agency’s failure to block a merger of Microsoft and Activision Blizzard represents the latest in a series of blows to its campaign to rein in tech giants’ economic power.

How to Spend Your City’s Money

In a system known as participatory budgeting, citizens tell the government what to do.

Silicon Valley Bank and the Dangers of Magical Thinking

The gutting of federal regulations is partially to blame for the bank’s crisis. But so is a belief, prevalent in the finance and tech worlds, that profits will come forever, and that there is little need to plan for a rainy day.

Does the President Have Control Over Inflation?

Republicans have blamed Joe Biden for inflation rates, and Biden has claimed credit for reducing them. But maybe neither is entirely deserved.

How Serious Are Sam Bankman-Fried’s Alleged Campaign-Finance Violations?

He gave to Democrats, and claims that he also gave to Republicans through dark-money donations. But the money may have never been his to give.

Will the FTX Collapse Lead to Better Cryptocurrency Regulation?

The company’s spectacular downfall could cause future investors to be more cautious, and government agencies that oversee digital assets to be clearer and more stringent.

How Mondragon Became the World’s Largest Co-Op

In Spain, an industrial-sized conglomerate owned by its workers suggests an alternative future for capitalism.

​​Another Likely Effect of the Roe Reversal: Higher Health-Care Costs

Abortion bans could lead to more high-risk pregnancies, which could raise the price of providing health care to women.