Corona Virus and NFA

Thank You To All Who Participated in This Years

Awareness Day Event

Let’s continue to make Fibromyalgia “Visible” all Year Round.

We still have plenty of stickers in stock for you to order!!

Get Yours Today!!

In Memory of Basketball Legend…

Bill Walton


In 2018 Lynne Matallana had the pleasure of interviewing Bill Walton about the power of Self-Care while living with chronic pain.

Lynne found this interview to be both inspiring and uplifting and she hopes it will have the same effect on you.

Special Announcement…

a feeling person

Lynne Matallana, founder of the National Fibromyalgia Association and longtime champion for those suffering with chronic pain, partners with leading pain experts to create a revolutionary program that has been shown to transform the lives of women with chronic pain including fibromyalgia.

“Providing a Better Future for Women in Pain”

Women in pain can now get the kind of help they have been waiting for.  For a Limited time we are offering the PainTools program for ONLY $39.99 for a four month subscription providing a 25% cost reduction.

Here’s what you get!!

  • A Personalized Self-Care Program Unique for you
  • Interactive Support Through Text Messages,
  • Videos, and Articles
  • Webinars with Guest PAIN Experts
  • Symptom Tracking
  • Membership in the PainTools Community (Including Live Zoom Meetings)
  • Vetted Product Resources
  • And Much More

Come See What Our Members Have Said!

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If You Are Looking For More Assistance Please go to

Our Resource Page!

Dr. Andrea Chadwick (Swing Care) and Lynne Matallana (National Fibromyalgia Association, PAIN TOOLS)

Treatment for fibromyalgia goes far beyond medication. Holistic approaches that take the whole person into account have a

strong evidence base, but are overlooked by many doctors.

Dr. Dan Clauw, one of the most influential fibromyalgia experts, discusses the science and current research on

fibromyalgia with Dr. Andrea Chadwick from Swing Care.

Dr. Danial Clauw, Director of the Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center at the University of Michigan.

Lynne Matallana welcomes you to the NFA
Lynne Matallana welcomes you to the NFA
Lynne Matallana welcomes you to the NFA
Lynne Matallana welcomes you to the NFA
Lynne Matallana welcomes you to the NFA
Lynne Matallana welcomes you to the NFA
Lynne Matallana welcomes you to the NFA
Lynne Matallana welcomes you to the NFA

Introducing Our New Proud Sponsor!

Dear NFA Members,

The NFA has partnered with Quell Fibromyalgia to develop an easy-to-use fibromyalgia diagnostic criteria worksheet using the most up-to-date standards from the American College of Rheumatology.  We’ll work to make this available to any healthcare providers interested in diagnosing and treating fibromyalgia.  We believe with additional tools like this, we can help bring more visibility to the fibromyalgia community.

If you’ve struggled with getting diagnosed, feel free to print this worksheet and bring it in to your healthcare provider for consideration.

Warm regards,

Lynne Matallana / NFA

Take some Time. Treat yourself. You Deserve it.

If you want to relax, watch the clouds pass by if you’re laying on the grass, or sit in front of the creek; just doing nothing and having those still moments is what really rejuvenates the body…

Frieda Friedson

Always look at what you have left. Never look at what you have lost.

Robert Schuller

In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer

Albert Camus

The only disability in life is a bad attitude

Scott Hamilton

I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances

Martha Washington

To different minds, the same world is a hell , and a heaven

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The optimist sees opportunity in every danger; the pessimist sees danger in every opportunity.â€

Winston Churchill

Welcome to the National Fibromyalgia Association

Lynne Matallana, founder of the National Fibromyalgia AssociationIt is our pleasure to have been serving the needs of the fibromyalgia (FM) community for over two decades and to be taking the next steps in order to help improve the quality of life for millions of people living with this life altering disorder.

Having lived with FM myself for over 30 years, and having dedicated my life and career to bringing improved awareness, a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the causes of this disorder, and working to provide information and support to the entire FM community, it is exciting to now be able to offer new help and improved information on how to better understand and manage your pain and fatigue.

Unfortunately, the message that people with fibromyalgia continue to receive is that, FM is a chronic pain condition that is little understood, and there is almost nothing that can be done to help relieve the symptoms of this illness. I hope if you get nothing else from visiting the NFA’s web site, you will know this statement is absolutely NOT true!

YES, your pain and other symptoms are real. And yes, we still need to continue to expand our medical knowledge through research and patient participation, (the sharing of personal experiences and insights on what it is like to live with FM). But what is most important is for over 40 years, a dedicated group of expert researchers have worked to unlock many of the secrets about the causes of FM, and why millions of people (men, women and children) suffer with its intense, body wide pain, and frustrating fatigue. We now understand that FM is dysregulation of pain processing. Evidence has shown that  people with central pain, like fibromyalgia, are experiencing pain amplification in the brain. There are many other symptoms that are a part of FM, often caused by central sensitivity. The problem is that it takes time for these research findings to be shared and understood by the medical community and the patients themselves.

In the meantime, misinformation can also be an obstacle when it comes to the diagnosis and treatment of fibromyalgia. When we are told there is little that can be done to help relieve your pain the result is a feeling of hopelessness, which in turn makes your symptoms worse. Without the correct guidance and support, a person with FM can feel overwhelmed and unsure of appropriate steps to take to help improve their overall health and reduce their FM symptoms.

I hope that you will find the National Fibromyalgia Association ‘s updated web site, with the addition of new information, videos and helpful resources of great benefit in your journey to find improvement in your quality of life!

The truth is, there is a way for everyone with fibromyalgia to get better!

We can’t promise to what degree of improvement you will have, or how quickly you will improve but with the collaboration of a knowledgeable health care provider and a patient practicing self-management, research has shown that incorporating pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments, (including lifestyle changes), a patient will see health improvement and a reduction in their symptoms. I personally watched myself go from lying in bed for over two years, to finding my way back to an active, basically pain free, happy life. Yes, at times there are challenges, but don’t ever let anyone tell you that you have a mysterious illness, and there is nothing that can be done to help you get better!

Gentle Hugs,

Lynne Matallana, Founder/President