Bill Cosby addresses rape allegations in new interview

Photo: Gerardo Mora/Getty Images

In an interview with Good Morning America on Friday, Bill Cosby addressed the mutliple rape allegations against him.

“I have been in this business for 52 years, and I have never seen anything like this. Reality is the situation. And I can’t speak,” Cosby said.

The embattled 77-year-old comedian was on GMA to help promote the Black Belt Foundation, a group dedicated to bringing awareness to underprivileged schools in Alabama. When asked by GMA reporter Linsey Davis if he was “prepared for the backlash” from students, Cosby said he wasn’t sure if a young person would even approach him.

“I’m not sure that they will come like that,” Cosby said. “I think that many of them say, ‘Well, you’re a hypocrite. You say one thing, you say the other.’ My point is: ‘Okay, listen to me carefully. I’m telling you where the road is out. I’m telling you where, as you’re driving, you’re going to go into water and it looks like it might only be three inches deep, but you and your car are going to go down. Now, you want to go here, or you want to be concerned about who’s giving you the message.'”

ABC noted that this is the first time Cosby has spoken about the rape allegations against him, but the comic has mentioned the claims before.

“I know people are tired of me not saying anything, but a guy doesn’t have to answer to innuendos,” Cosby said in a November 2014 interview with Florida Today. “People should fact check. People shouldn’t have to go through that and shouldn’t answer to innuendos.”

In a December interview with a freelance reporter for the New York Post, Cosby said he had hoped the “black media” would stay “neutral” in its reporting on the allegations.

“Let me say this. I only expect the black media to uphold the standards of excellence in journalism and when you do that you have to go in with a neutral mind,” Cosby said.

After those comments went viral, Cosby’s lawyer released a statement clarifying what Cosby said: “To be clear, Mr. Cosby did not ask for special treatment from the African-American media. To the contrary, he asked that they adhere to journalistic standards and approach the story in a neutral manner — without a predisposition on either side of the story. It is of course what we would expect of all media.”

More than 30 women have come forward with claims that Cosby sexually assaulted them, but he has never been charged with a crime. Speaking to GMA, Cosby said he was not thinking about how the allegations would affect his legacy.

“I really know about what I’m going to do tomorrow,” he said. “I have a ton of ideas to put on television about people and their love for each other.”

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