Healthy Campus empowers campus communities to improve health and well-being.

It is the process of helping campus communities:

Build the foundation of a healthy campus by investing in the infrastructure necessary to advance health and well-being on campus.

Become the cornerstone of the campus by striving toward health equity and eliminating health disparities.

Support a community that increases academic success, student and faculty/staff retention, and life-long learning.

Create a culture where social and physical environments promote health.

Healthy Campus: Core Elements

  • Every campus can be a healthy campus.
  • Institutions of higher education are communities.
  • Healthy Campus is a continuum and every campus can find their place.
  • Healthy Campus efforts should be informed by data: see ACHA's Connected College Health Network and Survey Data.
  • Healthy Campus efforts should engage campus community members with expertise in college health and well-being.
  • If college health and wellness expertise isn’t available on your campus, ACHA can help: College Health  Wellness Consulting.