Avengers assemble take 2: Real life heroes

#CapForStrat Avengers assemble prostate cancer So in less than 24 hours the number of tweets and retweets we’ve had for mission #CapForStrat has been amazing, and I’ve been truly overwhelmed with your support – thank you so much!

Through the wonders of the six degrees of separation phenomenon (though we have found it to be less than six degrees) that social media is so good at facilitating, our message has got through to the people at Disney and Marvel, and we’re waiting to hear back about whether they’ll be able to help us make it possible for dad to see The Winter Soldier before he dies. I know that they get plenty of requests like this all the time, and it must be impossible to answer them all, so I am very grateful that they are even considering the options for us here.

Thank you so very much to everyone who tweeted, emailed, and otherwise found us ways of getting our message through successfully. The Caldecott family are beyond grateful, and we’ll let you know how it turns out. We still haven’t mentioned any of this to dad, because we don’t want to get his hopes up if it doesn’t come off, and it would be so much fun to surprise him with it.

If any of you wonderful people still have energy left for this, it would be fantastic if you could now keep targeting the Marvel actors asking them to take a picture like the one I did, above, but with their character’s name where I have the brackets. Perhaps you could either tweet (or instagram) my picture, or take your own if you feel like it. In fact, it might have more impact if you take your own ‘Strat selfie’, and tag it #CapForStrat – it would be fun to see a variety of people cheering him on!

For the Twitter and Instagram users amongst you, here are some of the actors we’ve found profiles for (they are Avengers heroes and some anti-heroes, too, plus some Agents of SHIELD for good measure!) and are tweeting our request to (I’ve only included ones that have the official blue ‘tick’ by them – I’m sure there are plenty more, so if you find official Twitter accounts do post in the comments below) *UPDATE – I’ve put ‘DONE!’ by the names of the lovely actors who have sent us pictures already and am trying to keep it relatively up-to-date so we can thank them properly and stop pestering them*:

Chris Evans (Captain America) DONE! Robert Downey Jr (Iron Man) DONE! Mark Ruffalo (the Hulk) DONE! Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury) DONE! Cobie Smulders (Maria Hill) DONE! Clark Gregg (Agent Coulson) DONE! Elizabeth Henstridge (Agent Simmons) DONE! Iain Caestecker (Agent Fitz) Brett Dalton (Agent Grant Ward) DONE! Chloe Bennet (Skye) DONE! Ming-Na Wen (Agent May) DONE! Tom Hiddleston (Loki) DONE! Hayley Atwell (Peggy Carter) Sebastian Stan (Bucky) Anthony Mackie (Falcon) Hawkeye – not on Twitter that I can see, but DONE (thanks to the wonderful Mark Ruffalo, I think!) And the remaining Avengers we can’t find official social media profiles for: Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) Thor (Chris Hemsworth) DONE!

To the Marvel actors, if you’re reading this: if you could do this simple but amazing thing for us, I’ll be able to stick prints of your pictures of support by dad’s bed, so that as he goes through the pain and fear of the next few weeks/months he’ll be able to feel like he has his favourite superheroes and comic book characters arrayed around him to help him fight through the darkest moments.

Yours in gratitude,

Sophie x

46 thoughts on “Avengers assemble take 2: Real life heroes

    • Carolina Cerón Escobar says:

      Mucha fuerza a tu padre y un gran abrazo desde Chile, demás está decir que eres una hija grandiosa por lo que hiciste por tu padre, un abrazo y bendiciones desde aqui..

  1. radishuet says:

    I cried when I red this. Makes me think of what my brother been throught 2 years ago. First I was mad cuz we tried everything with Marvel to make my brother’s last wish come true but he never saw The Avengers. Why somebody else has a similar demand and it seems to work? Took the day to finaly realise that no matter how I feel about it, I cant change anything about what happened and the only thing I can do is to help realise that dream for somebody else. Im sure thats what my brother would do.
    I give u a long distance hug and wish ur little family the best, u deserve it.

    • Sophie Caldecott says:

      Hi there, I’m so very sorry to hear about your loss 😦 I’ve been really aware that there must be so many similar requests out there, and that there isn’t any rhyme or reason to the fact that this has been made possible for my dad when it’s not for others. We are truly humbled by this. It’s not at all a question of who deserves what in any way – for some reason this just became a viral social media campaign which Marvel couldn’t ignore. If we can make this whole thing about cancer, awareness, and solidarity with the terminally ill, rather than about our specific case, that would also very much fulfil my father’s wishes for the greater good. Love and hugs to you x

  2. Katarina says:

    Sending all the best wishes to you, your family and your father all the way from Croatia. May he finds the strength in himself to fight through the pain and enjoy the time he has left. In the words of The Doctor “some people live more in 20 years than others do in 80 – it’s the person that matters, not time” and I’m sure your father has had a majestic life and will live as much as he can during the time he has, even if short. I will keep your father in my prayers, and lets hope that #CapForStrat will slowly spread through every corner of the Marvel Comic Book Universe and their actors in the movies. Your father belongs right there next to all the best of the X-Men, Avengers, F4, Spider-Man and others. He is a superhero.

  3. Jamie Frevele says:

    Reblogged this on The Frevele Reveille and commented:
    Since I’ve featured a few cast members from the Marvel Cinematic Universe on The Frevele Reveille, I wanted to bring some extra attention to the #CapForStrat campaign that has actually been accomplished, but it never hurts to keep good momentum going for a great cause! Please read Sophie Caldecott’s blog and let this story into your life. It’s a good one, and my best silly wishes go out to Sophie, her heroic dad Stratford, and everyone else who has been a part of #CapForStrat! This is the best example of people in high places with big hearts, using their powers for something truly good!

  4. Greg Wohler says:

    My dad has/is currently battling Prostate and Stomach cancer – it’s a scary notion to have a feeling of internal loss before the physical body has departed. While we haven’t reached out to anyone to have a dream come true, I admire your Hollywood battle to help spread the word. I’ve come to realize that my father is in his own right a superhero, as I know you think the same of yours.

    It’s the notion of doing something for someone that has done everything they could for you. Admirable. Selfless. Entertaining. Forgiving. Strength of will, and honorable character.

    All the best, to you and yours.


  5. Barbara Russell says:

    Stratford Caldecott IS my superhero; his RADIANCE OF BEING is the most important book I have read in the last 5 years – certainly the most important bit that filled in the growth in my Catholic faith. My friends are now inured to hearing his name constantly on my lips (as in, “according to Stratford Caldecott…”). It’s an amazing thing what influence a writer can have over so many people he has never met. What a blessing. Thank you, Stratford Caldecott.

  6. donsmithwrites says:

    This is awesome! Would you consider “Marvel Fans Rootin’ for Strat”? I could see your dad being happy to see a bunch of Marvel/Comic book fans sending him support and prayers!

    • Sophie Caldecott says:

      Yes! That has been one of the most touching and unexpected things about all this. What a great community Marvel/comic books fans are, and how fun to see everyone linking up around the world in this way!

  7. Brian says:

    We have sent the following to everyone who did this *amazing* favor for your pop: “Thank you for #CapforStrat! You’re awesome, & may God bless U 4 UR kindness. Truly a spiritual/corporal work of mercy.”
    @CatholicRosa We also retreated your blog post. What a wonderful gift for your father. You are truly a marvel(ous) daughter, and he is truly blessed to have you. In Christ.

  8. Jen Giampaolo says:

    Hi Sophie,

    Just hoping you see this, after all you must be getting bombarded! But bombarded with love and support, of course, so the more the merrier, right? What an amazing story. I’m so moved to see how far it’s spread and how many people you’ve reached with this loving surprise for your dad.

    I work with a non-profit organization called Be Bold, Be Bald! (beboldbebald.org), a national fundraising event in which participants wear a bald cap for a day to honor cancer patients and raise money for charities that help them and their families.

    We want to send you and your family members bald caps to wear in solidarity with your dad — another kind of “cap for Strat”! Just let me know how many caps you’d like and we’ll get them to you. We love your story and just want to help and get involved in any way we can. You can reach me at [email protected] or message us on our Be Bold Be Bald Facebook page. Really hope to hear from you!

    Warm wishes,

  9. frangelo says:


    I have been an admirer of your father for years and have benefited much from his writing. I am sorry to hear of his illness, but gratified to see so much love surrounding him at this time.

    I will be remembering him and all of you at the altar.


    Father Angelo

  10. Fr. Guy Trudel OP says:

    I don’t twitter, so I just wanted to send my support this way. I knew your father, Sophie, when I was a graduate student at Oxford, and I was — and am — so greatly edified and impressed by him; he is one of the greatest examples of charity lived in intellectual life that I have had the great good fortune to meet, and I shall ( even though it has been a long time since I’ve seen him and I haven’t been back to UK in a long time) miss him very much. Please give him my best regards, and please let him know that I’ll be offering prayers and masses for him!

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