Research Centers, Institutes, and Programs

UIUC's vibrant research community is home to a number of research centers, institutes, programs, and initiatives. Our researchers translate insights on problems such as global sustainability, feeding the world, and fighting poverty and disease into innovative products and technologies, policy recommendations with impact, and advances in education and community engagement. The list below is not exhaustive—please send updates to Kristin Tennant.

Research Unit Name Abbv Email Phone Unit URL
Auditory Neuro Experience Lab ANEx [email protected] 217-300-6212 Website
Chez Veterans Center Chez [email protected] 217-332-5725 Website
ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss ADMI [email protected] 217-333-5115 Website
Adult Development, Adaptation, & Technology Laboratory ADAPT Laboratory [email protected] 217-300-3088 Website
Advanced Materials Testing and Evaluation Laboratory AMTEL [email protected] 217-333-3751 Website
Aging and Diversity Lab ADL [email protected] Website
Aging and Neurocognition Lab AANCL [email protected] 217-265-6574 Website
AgReach [email protected] 217-333-3769 Website
Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture Program ASAP Website
Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Center ACRC [email protected] 217-300-6393 Website
Applied Psycholinguistics Lab APL [email protected] 217-333-1968 Website
Applied Research Institute ARI [email protected] 217-300-3162 Website
Artificial Intelligence for Future Agricultural Resilience, Management, and Sustainability Institute AIFARMS Institute [email protected] Website
Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Lab ACN [email protected] 217-333-7561 Website
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology Beckman [email protected] 217-244-1176 Website
Binaural Hearing Lab BHL [email protected] Website
Biophotonics Imaging Laboratory BIL 217-333-8598 Website
Body Composition and Nutritional Neuroscience Laboratory BCNN [email protected] 217-300-1667 Website
Botanical Estrogen Research Center BRC Website
Bureau of Educational Research [email protected] 217-333-3023 Website Digital Transformation Institute DTI Website
Cancer Center at Illinois CCIL [email protected] 217-300-6100 Website
Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology IGB [email protected] 217-244-2999 Website
Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation CABBI [email protected] 217-244-1586 Website
Center for Advanced Study CAS [email protected] 217-333-6729 Website
Center for African Studies CAS [email protected] 217-333-6335 Website
Center for Autonomy 217-333-2511 Website
Center for Business and Public Policy [email protected] 217-244-2847 Website
Center for Children's Books CCB [email protected] 217-244-9331 Website
Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment CREA [email protected] 217-333-2981 Website