‘Netherland’ to Become a Film, and Mendes May Direct

Sam Mendes
Joseph O'Neill

In a review of the Sam Mendes film “Away We Go” in The New York Times, A. O. Scott described that director as “a literary tourist from Britain who has missed the point every time he has crossed the ocean.” So how will Mr. Mendes handle the adaptation of a literary work about New York whose author and narrator both have roots on the opposite side of the Atlantic? We may soon find out: Variety reported that Mr. Mendes’s production company has joined with Oprah Winfrey’s Harpo Productions and Focus Features to create a film adaptation of the Joseph O’Neill novel “Netherland” that Mr. Mendes may direct. The novel, which follows a Dutch-born stockbroker in New York from the 1990s to the present decade, won the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction for Mr. O’Neill, an American citizen of Turkish and Irish descent who was raised partly in the Netherlands. Christopher Hampton will write the “Netherland” screenplay; a cast and release date were not announced.

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Not that it’s ever easy to adapt a good book into a movie, but Sam Mendes will ruin Netherland. It’s a shame, too, because Christopher Hampton is good.

Maybe you can wait for the film.

should be interesting, given that the main character (like mendes) frequently misses the point about america…
great, though, to see genuine literary works made into films….

I don’t know why you assume he will ruin the film, unless you just generally think he’s a bad director. Whatever else has been the case, his “American Beauty” and “Revolutionary Road” suggest he has been able to tackle the mysteries and manners of American culture. I know many were not fans of “RR,” but he was a legitimate choice for it and did a legitimate, if not universally loved, job with it.

Really, I think it’s a crap shot. I did not like “Away We Go”. “Revolutionary Road” was a solid adaptation of the Richard Yates novel, in my opinion, and by far Sam Mendes’s best film to date. This new film may work, who’s to say……it’s useless to pass judgement until the film is finished and released.

I think the film will be difficult to adapt to the screen. I am really curious as to how they are going to make this book work as a film, while hopefully preserving the integrity of the book.

He’s also set to direct a “Middlemarch” adaptation. Officially in love with Mendes now…

I agree with Lizabeth–so much of this book was internal but still eloquent and incisive. Can that really be translated into a screenplay?

Mendes goes to the heart of American family life in “Road to Perdition,” an overlooked classic.

A.O. Scott said that Mr. Mendes misses the point every time he crosses the ocean. One must wonder if Mr. Scott has seen “Road to Perdition” and “American Beauty.”

What point is Mendes missing about America? I’ve always found his movies to be spot on.