Rose’s Turn: Patti LuPone Responds to ArtsBeat

Patti LuPoneSara Krulwich/The New York Times Patti LuPone

On Monday, we wrote about an incident that occurred Sunday night during a performance by Patti LuPone at the Orleans hotel in Las Vegas, at which Ms. LuPone confronted an audience member who she saw using an electronic device. This followed an exchange in January, preserved on YouTube, in which Ms. LuPone stopped an audience member who was taking pictures of her during a final performance of “Gypsy.”

Late Monday night, we received the following e-mail message from Ms. LuPone, passed along to us from her publicist:

Dear Dave Itzkoff,

Your story about my stopping my concert in Las Vegas on the New York Times ArtsBeat blog was forwarded to me.

I found the tone of your report very snide and feel compelled to write you to ask – what do expect me, or any performer for that matter, to do?

Do we allow our rights to be violated (photography, filming and audio taping of performances is illegal) or tolerate rudeness by members of the audience who feel they have the right to sit in a dark theater, texting or checking their e-mail while the light from their screens distract both performers and the audience alike? Or, should I stand up for my rights as a performer as well as the audiences I perform for?

And do you think I’m alone in this? Ask any performer on Broadway right now about their level of frustration with this issue. Ask the actor in “Hair” who recently grabbed a camera out of an audience member’s hand and threw it across the stage. Or ask the two Queens in “Mary Stuart” (Harriet Walter and Janet McTeer) how they react to it.

I find it telling that my story elicited 47 comments from your readers while a few other stories on the blog elicited a handful, with many getting 0 comments. It certainly touched a chord with people, almost all of whom sounded like audience members, who share in my frustration with what threatens to become standard behavior if no one speaks out and takes action against it.

This has been going on in my career for 30 years since I starred in “Evita,” and, you’re surprised I stop shows now?

Patti LuPone

What do you think? How should performers respond when cellphones, cameras or other devices interrupt their shows? Let us know in the comments below.

June 24 | 12:32 p.m. Related: When Patti LuPone Talks, Readers Respond

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You tell em PL! Whether it’s in a movie theatre that now costs $11 bucks or a Broadway show that cost $110 on up, turn your darn phone off or don’t go. If you don’t want to be there stay home. Don’t go just for the sake of saying you “saw a show”. People on their phones should be taken out and there should be ushers assisting early on, instead of it coming down to the performers getting so upset that they have had enough. Stronger announcements should be made prior to the show.

she gets an A+.

I kind of feel badly for her. JUST TURN OFF YOUR PHONES. You don’t need to talk to anyone, text anyone or take any pictures. If you’re so important and busy as to need your phone after you’ve spent $100+ on a ticket, STAY HOME. Going to the theater is not like going to the movies…oh and those little blue lights when you bring out your phone are distracting in a movie too.

Although Patti LuPone is a taste I have never acquired, I am with her on this one. I would add two things: (1) Ms. LuPone notes that the item drew 47 comments but not that not all of them sided with her – an omission that does not invalidate her point, but should be noted; (2) the commenter on the original item who noted that the ushers need additional training is correct. It should further be printed on the ticket, and audience members should be advised at the time of purchase and again just before the show, that the management has the absolute right to eject offenders, and if need be their entire party, at any time during the show, without refunds. And management should follow through. Period. This rudeness persists because the offenders are allowed to get away with it!

God, I love her!

C Don, I especially agree with you re: not going just to say you saw a show. If Ms. LuPone, or the actors in Hair, or the ladies in Mary Stuart, or Angela Lansbury in Blithe Spirit, or anyone, is dedicating their time, energy and life to this, the least you could do is respect them while they’re performing. it’s surprising how much you can take away from a show when you are really invested.

and Patti, the letter is lovely and classy.

I have to agree with Ms. Lupone on this one. She is a performer of great distinction (her performance in Sweeney Todd on Broadway was electrifying) and shouldn’t have to contend with this type of boorishness. I attended a Taj Mahal concert at the Eastman Theater in Rochester, New York ,as part of the wonderful jazz festival held here each year and the man in the seat in front of me viedotaped the entire performance with a small camera/video recorder. In an otherwise dark theater, the light from the monitor was distracting. Concert goers should leave their electronic devices at home or shut them off during the performances. If they feel it is their god-given right to take photographs, they should dispense with the flash and the monitor to mimimize the imposition on others. Simple courtesy……..

You go girl!

People, it’s called common courtesy! We seem to have forgotten what that is all about!

Good for you Patti. I have at times been amazed at the lack of respect these losers have for the performers and other audience members. The house managers and ushers need to come on stronger at the beginning and let people know they will be asked to leave if they can’t behave. When confronted with rude partrons, the performers (and audience members themselves) have a right, perhaps a duty, to call them out.

Mrs. LuPone should be applauded – she speaks for all performers when she stands up for herself. Audience members who engage in such actions should be ashamed of themselves.

Brava. That ‘s why I’ve stopped going to the movies. Manners are still better in the theatre since people have paid more for the ticket.

Right on PL!!! I agree and would add—we can do without the candy and popcorn concessions at many theatres as well. I saw an ugly fight break out at intermision of “Young Frankenstein” when a woman refused to stop unwrapping candy during the show. That’s fine if you want to watch a movie but I don’t want someone munching away when I spent $100+ for a ticket to a show that I have been waiting to see. Get some manners folks!

i wish more performers would stop their shows and chastise these rude, boorish offenders who threaten to destroy public entertainment for the rest of us.

i rarely go to concerts anymore because i find it difficult to see (and i’m 6′ 3″) above the hundreds of outstretched arms intent on capturing what they are witnessing with a cellphone camera. sadly, they are not really experiencing the performance they are hell-bent on archiving electronically.

not to mention movies which i no longer attend either. the idea that people think it absolutely normal (and their inherent right) to make and receive telephone calls during a film is the height of abhorrent behavior.

and, as ms. lupone points out, even the ghastly glow of these electronic devices is distracting and unsettling. i recently attended a children’s dance performance and while she never made a sound, the incessant glow from the cellphone of the woman sitting next to me served to distract me from the joy of seeing my granddaughter on stage.

and lest readers think i’m some old grandparent, i’m a very young 49 and still regularly attend concerts at clubs such as the fillmore at irving plaza, the bowery ballroom and so on.

unless of course, there is a strong indication it will be marred by the insensitive, selfish behavior of my fellow attendees.

Ms Lupone is absolutely right pointing out rude behavior and standing up for audiences who are also bothered by such antics. I wish Patti could escort me on my next trip to the local movie theater.

Welcome to the club. College profs have been putting up with this BS for the better part of a decade.

Amen and thank you, Ms LuPone. We all are becoming increasingly tolerant of flat-out rudeness in all venues because we’re silent when others are rude, and find ways to excuse our own behaviors. Thanks for speaking out.

I paid my money, and I’ll do damn well what I please as an audience member. If I want to talk or tape or film, ehtier out in the open or sereptitiously I will do it. Look back at the days of Shakespeare when the audience participated in conversation, and now we have prima donnas who strut like a Perez Hilton on a stage acting as they want and feeling immune from appropriate reaction. Here’s what I will do in the future, I will have eggs and rotten vegatables with me and I will offer you a serving it you confront me, ot if you demonstrate haughty aires on a stage that I am financially supporting.

Amen, sister!

Dear Audience Member,

Apparently you have the attention span of a sand flea and the manners of spoiled 4-year old. It’s unfortunate that your parents didn’t teach you how to behave in public.

Stay home. Or turn off yr electronic toys. If you’re too important, in yr opinion, not to turn off the toys, then amuse yourself in private.

Right-on Patti!

What a woman!
Love to Ms. LuPone (from a huge fan).

besides all that the others have written, I will also go so far to say that when I see other people “disconnect” to text or Email (or even read the program excessively…ask me sometime about my experience at the opening night of “TITLE OF SHOW”), well, I find that even more distracting then the light itself. Suddenly, I am thinking “that person just missed that moment…why are they here?…are they really that oblivious to those around them?…WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE WORLD?!?”

There are certainly more troubling things going on in the world. Some say I should get over it. I just want to enjoy the show/movie and I WANT to share the communal experience, not sense detachment from the people around me.

I applaud Patti for speaking out on this subject.

-Marc Shaiman

Since cell phones are accidentally turned on fairly easily, people should simply not bring cell phones into theaters, churches, etc. Anyone who needs truly to be on call should not go to the theater that night at that time.

(Also, there is a market for cell phones that are incapable of ringing — ever. I would love to buy a cell phone that has only two ring options: silent and vibrate. Does anyone know of such a phone?)

Brava, Miss LuPone! I too am a performer (opera singer) and I applaud this incredible artist for taking matters into her own hands. Fans of Miss LuPone love her not only for her passionate singing and characterizations, but her indomitable personality. There is nothing wrong with asking for (and when necessary) demanding common courtesy.

Audience members are paying to be entertained, and we as performers owe them our very best performance every single time. But we also deserve respect and courtesy, as does every person. It is incredibly disrespectful and rude to your fellow audience members and to the people on stage to talk on the cell phone, text, chat with your neighbor, eat, make noise, take flash photography, or otherwise distract from the performance. I for one am very happy to see these boors get called on their behavior.

Besides, one of the things one goes to the theater for is spectacle, and Miss LuPone always provides that — in a good way. Brava!